Galician government Employment Secretary visits Genesal

Visita Secretaria de Emprego

The Galician Governments General Secretary for Employment, Covadonga Toca, recently visited our head office in Bergondo to familiarise himself with our projects for the future and to discuss related topics in training and labour conciliation.

Strategic Director and CFO, Julio Arca accompanied Covadonga Toca during his visit, which included a tour of the training facilities and a meeting with the company’s stakeholders, where talks were held regarding the company’s future collaboration with the autonomous administration of Galicia.

The General Secretary was particularly interested in the Genesal’s employment policies, as well as their dedication to innovation and sustainability. The RSE Award (award for Corporate Social Responsibility) made to Genesal in 2015 was recalled, a recognition made by the Galician government to companies who promote and spread CSR.

Engineering Director Alex Blanco and Technical Director Guillermo Docampo; Innovation Manager Alberto Docampo, and Angeles Santos, manager of the Bergondo Business Association, were also present during the visit by the General Secretary.

Genesal Energy is doubling their investment in innovation; Objective, 50% growth

 The gensets manufacturer is looking to increase their turnover to €15 Million in this period. Investment in R&D will be €2.5 Million


Julio Arca – COO and Director of Strategy

Genesal Energy plans to invest €2.5 Million in the upcoming period until the year 2021 on innovation based projects with aim of preparing the company for the future and stimulating higher growth. The amount to be invested is an increase of 80% on the amount invested in the last 4 years, which amounted to €1.4 Million.

For many years the point of focus for developments in innovation has been the responsibility of our Technological Centre for Distributed Energy (CETED in Spanish), based in the heart of our main head office. One of our key developments which became a reality in 2016 and will continue until 2018 with an investment budget of €1 Million is Pyrogaz (also in collaboration with Norberto and Allarluz). The aims of this particular project are to bring to reality a prototype thermoelectric generation system through the gasification of forestall biomass, and to install the concept in areas that do not have access to the mains electrical grid.

CETED Manager, company COO and Director of Strategy Julio Arca has confirmed that Genesal has initiated negotiations with other companies to form a consortium which would permit the development of a diverse range of innovative projects on the international stage. “Amongst the themes we are studying are digitalisation, cybersecurity, accumulation technology, and improvements for customers.” stated Mr Arca. He also highlighted R&D as one of the key elements that sustains the advances made by the company, whose turnover of €10 million in 2016 was an increase of 500,000 Euros on the previous year.

Strategic Plan

Within the company’s strategic plan which takes them through to 2021 is the objective to reach a €15 million turnover, which equates to an increase of 50% on recent performance, and of course to ensure that the business remains profitable. Strategy in this coming period also takes in to account the improvement of industrial processes, with a reserve of €1 million earmarked for development of their main plant in northwest Spain.

The driving force behind it all

Genesal Energy is made up of 3 businesses all based in Spain, and led by 5 dedicated partners. The business make up is: Genesal Energy the parent company; CETED, the Technological Centre for Distributed Energy; Generadores Europeos, the founding business with more than 23 years of accumulated experience, the main industrial arm of the business. The business has a strong international focus, accounting for 70% of genset sales. Exporting to over 30 countries, the company has 3 international branches in Peru, Mexico and Panama. In 2016 Generadores Europeos broke in to new markets in Croatia, Sweden and Qatar. New opportunities have also come from India and the Philippines. “The financial crisis [in 2008] happened when the company had already embarked on an internationalisation process by accompanying other Spanish companies overseas, and for this reason it had very little effect on us. In fact, it actually helped our growth.” Explained Mr Arca. Amongst their clients they can boast strong relationships with leading international companies such as FCC, Iberdrola, and  Carrefour, not to mention business relationships with Siemens and NATO.

The company employs 68 people, and in recent years has been behind a number of highly referenced projects, such as supplying power to the longest submerged tunnel in Latin America in the city of Coatzacoalcos in Mexico, supplying emergency power to the Machala Hospital in Ecuador and also support systems for a number of nuclear power stations. The breakdown of genset sales equates to 50% for turnkey solutions, 40% in standard gensets and the remaining 10% in maintenance and support contracts, an area which will play a key role in guaranteeing future regular income for the business.

Source: Expansion journal

CETED receives the Galician Industry Award in the category of Technological Innovation.


The prize was granted by the School of Industrial Engineers of Galicia (COIIG)

Genesal Energy has been recognised by the School of Industrial Engineers of Galicia (COIIG) in the second edition of the Galician Industry Awards. The prizes awarded by this highly respected entity recognise the special contribution made by people, companies and projects to the industrial makeup of the Galician region in northwest Spain. They are awarded in conjunction with the Association of Industrial Engineers (AIIG).

Genesal Energy is the winner in the category of Technological Innovation for their Technological Centre for Distributed Energy (CETED), a modern R&D fully in-house department in the company which is unique in the field of distributed energy. CETED provides solutions in engineering, manufacturing and maintenance of electrical generators orientated and adapted to the needs of each individual client.

An engineering centre, modern training facilities, testing areas with load benches for “real life simulation testing, and the biggest rain testing laboratory in Europe were just some of characteristics valued by the jury when making their final decision.

Our Objective: To innovate

CETED was established in 2001 as a start-up specialising in project management. In 2012 CETED was encompassed in to Genesal Energy as a strategic department focusing all its energy and the company’s efforts in R&D. It was in the same year that CETED made its mark obtaining the AENOR UNE 166002 certificate for R&D&I Management Systems, converting Genesal in to the first Galician company in the energy sector to receive this prestigious distinction.

In 2016, the Technological Centre celebrated the inauguration of their new facilities in a ceremony attended by the Galician Minister for Industry, where CETED reaffirmed the principles they have followed since their founding: to completely focus all their efforts in R&D to ensure that each client receives a personalised and innovative experience.

The Galician Industrial Awards will be presented on Second Night of Industry awards ceremony to be held in the Galician city of Pontevedra on the 6th October 2017.

Genesal Energy, within the elite group of Galicia’s most innovative companies.

According to the highly respected Ardan report on businesses in the Northwest of Spain,

Genesal Energy is considered to be a “generator of wealth” and ranked as the 11th best company in

R&D out of 677 businesses studied, putting them in the top 2%.

It’s official, Genesal Energy is now considered done of the most innovative Companies in the Galician region of north west Spain and also within the select group of companies that actually generate wealth. That’s according to the latest Ardan report an annual ranking of over 20,000 Galician companies, which is now in to its 24th year of reporting on the health of Galician businesses, including turnover, competitivity and employability.

In the latest publication for 2017, Ardan has ranked Genesal Energy as the 11th most innovative company in R&D in the whole region, and closer to their head office on the outskirts of Coruna City they are 5th in the rankings. The R&D selection is formed by 677 of the best companies in innovation, placing Genesal Energy in the top 2%. With reference to the Ardan star rating system, Genesal Energy obtained 4 stars, a rating obtained by only 39 companies overall.

Productivity and Management

Aspects such as technological investmenr, process digitalisation strategy focus, as well as creating in-house R&D hubs are just some of the factors taken in to account by Ardan when compiling their report.

In terms of wealth generation for which Genesal Energy has been acclaimed, factors such as efficient management, improved production, operational income, and high-quality products and services are just some of the criteria to be fulfilled.

We have been awarded with the AENOR Certification OHSAS18001

Genesal Energy is delighted to share with you that we have been awarded with the AENOR Certification OHSAS18001 for Health & Safety at Work, as well as renewing currently held certificates in ISO 14001 Environmental Management, UNE 166002 R&D&I Management System and ISO9001 Quality Management System.

The official presentation took place in in our European headquarters in Northwest Spain


Such recognition validates our ongoing efforts in the company with regard to the health and safety of our employees as well as reducing the risk of injury in the workplace.

Genesal Energy has obtained the OHSAS 18001:2007 certificate as accreditation for our management with relation to H&S at work. This rating, officially accredited in Spain by AENOR, is in addition to the other certifications held by the business and recently renewed: ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System, ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management and UNE 166002 R&D&I Management System.

The OHSAS certification was finally awarded after an exhaustive process which involved a strict external audit consisting of an evaluation all the methods and protocols in place for managing work safety. The award itself reinforces Genesal’s commitment to the workforce and our dedication to ensuring we have the best materials in matters of health and safety, our priority being to provide the best possible working conditions

AENOR is the leading authorised certifier in Spain, ad amongst the top 10 globally. Their knowledge in the field of quality, environmental management, innovation and work safety are to the highest and strictest standards, giving the awarded companies such as ourselves added value, and a guarantee of excellence.

The OHSAS 18001:2007 Certificate is the latest in a long line of achievements here at Genesal Energy, and will be incorporated alongside our other afore mentioned and now renewed certificates for the next 3 years.

Leaders in securing the UNE166002 R&D&I Certificate

Amongst the list of renewed certificates, we should highlight our Certificate for Environmental Management (ISO 14001:2015), official recognition that at Genesal Energy we meet the most rigorous standards in terms of environmental protection. A special mention should also go to our UNE166002:2014 certificate in R&D&I management, as we were the first Galician company in our sector to achieve this standard.

Director General Fernando Cueto and other members of our workforce from a variety of departments were delighted to be presented with the newly acquired OHSAS18001 alongside the 3 renewed certificates, from AENOR’s Galician Director, Martin Pita. The ceremony itself took place onsite in our European headquarters in Northwest Spain.

Genesal Energy is currently participating in the PYORGAZ project


GENESAL ENERGY is currently participating in the PYORGAZ project, an innovative development focused on offering similar services to those that are traditionally carried out by conventional diésel generators. The project is being by the Genesal Technological Centre for Distributed Energy (CETED) and developed by a consortium of three companies – Generadores Europeos, Norvento and Allarluz. The established project criteria is to find electrical and thermal energy solutions for power supply problems faced by medium sized energy consumers in complex locations leading to national grid connection difficulties or lack of access to commercial fuels.

The objectives of the project are to design and develop a portable electric and thermal power generator, based on the gasification of biomass and especially focused on applications in the field of distributed energy.

PYROGAZ is being designed to power both autonomously and off-grid. The energy demands of medium sized consumers. Not only is it reliable but it meets the specific requirement of ease of operation and simple maintenance. Additionally, the system will be able to fully operate using local biomass in the geographical region where it is situated.


This project is being financed by the Galician Agency for Innovation, with the support of the Council for the Economy, Employment and Industry, as well as the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It falls within framework 1 of the program ERDF GALICIA 2014-2020. It was one of the chosen projects by The Galician Agency for Innovation in the last edition of SME CONNECT (CONECTA PEME in Spanish).

The project will be finalised at the end of 2018 with a total investment of 900,000 Euros.


GEN80FC – Extra Soundproof Genset



Extra Soundproofed Genset

Power: 80 kVA COP, 100 kVA PRP & 110 kVA STANDBY

Project: Data Processing Centre, Abanca.

Location: Paseo de Recoletos – Madrid


  • Diésel genset with 65dB(A) sound measurement at 1M distance.
  • Integrated silencers on the air intake and the exhaust.
  • Double thickness sound absorbing rock wool as standard issue for the entire enclosure including the base.
  • Electronic Engine Control Unit installed, which guarantees a more stable performance.
  • Alternator provides voltage stability of ±0,5%.
  • Card for Modbus set up.
  • Sub base fuel tank for a 20 hour plus autonomy at COP rating.
  • Integrated fuel level sensors for automatic fuel transfer management.
  • Extra addition of silent blocks to add to those mounted between the bench frame and the engine-alternator mono block, in order to eliminate any residual vibrations once installed in the building interior.



In the engineering side we had to consider various needs.

On the one hand, and due to the unusual location of the genset inside a building in the middle of Madrid, it was necessary to ensure a genset design solution which met with the local regulations pertaining to legally permitted acoustic levels. Genesal’s engineering department proposed the manufacture of a specially built genset to comply with Madrid’s legally permitted acoustic levels. This involved several key design aspects such as extra thick walls on the genset enclosure, silencers integrated in to the air intake and exhaust systems, as well as sound proofing the base frame. This led to the development of a one piece completely enclosed mono block. Additionally Genesal went a step further and researching the need for added silent block anti-vibration parts to the standard number used in manufacture, to eliminate residual vibrations that may increase the noise output.

This was not the only consideration. Genesal’s engineers correctly assumed that the complexity of the location required a unique fuel transfer and control system for the loads to be handled by the genset. This required a fuel tank to be situated in the basement of the building, and a controlled transfer method to be installed. A special alternator was added to guarantee very high stability at different frequencies regardless of the genset load levels, with an added electronic engine speed control unit (ECU) to ensure continuous stability.


GENESAL ENERGY, “Ejecutivos/Executives” award in internationalization


Fernando Cueto, managing director of GENESAL ENERGY, receives the Ejecutivos INTERNATIONALIZATION award at the Círculo de Empresarios de Galicia.

GENESAL ENERGY has been awarded for its international strategy at the 6th edition of the “Ejecutivos ” Galicia Awards. Fernando Cueto, managing director, received the award in an event celebrated yesterday evening at the Circulo de Empresarios de Galicia, situated in Vigo, where personalities from the politic, business and social world of the Galician community gathered.

Ejecutivos magazine rewards with this awards the excellence in their work of companies, executives an institutions of Galicia, whom with their efforts and dedication contribute to the development of the region. Regarding GENESAL ENERGY, this award is a recognition to its international strategy, which has been implemented since its constitution. The key factor to this strategy has been the research and the profound knowledge of the markets where it is present, with the objective of choosing the best combination of products for the target customer in each country.

In this event, they also awarded: Francisco Puga (Executive of the year), Gadisa (Company of the year), José García Costas (Professional trajectory), Ayuntamiento de Vigo (Institutional management), IESIDE (Proyect of the year), Grupo Ingapan (Leadership), Pepe Solla (Professional prestige), CZ Veterinaria y Biofabri (R+D), Denominación de Origen Ribeiro (Quality) y Campo de Golf de Balneario de Mondariz (Excellence in sport).

Ejecutivos magazine, which last year turned 25 years old, is one of the main economic magazines in Spain. The magazine analyzes the economic news of each month for the Spanish executive professionals.




Genesal Energy will be present at the XXXV Expo Feria Internacional de Paraguay, the biggest trade show about industry, commerce, stockbreeding and services of the country, and one of the most important of the region due to the presence of companies, industries, and national and international official entities. The event will be held from the 2nd to the 17th of July, in which 39 companies and professional associations will show their products.

During the 16 days the trade show last, GENESAL ENERGY, situated in the ITALO-PARAGUAYO pavilion, will show their visitors their range of generating sets. Also this will be an excellent opportunity to learn about the necessities of the customers of country, as well as to strengthen the relation with our partners in the area.

GENESAL ENERGY receives the PYME INNOVADORA seal (Innovative SME)


GENESAL ENERGY has received the PYME INNOVADORA seal (Innovative SME), from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. This seal rewards our commitment to the R+D as well as the job done in the field of generators. For GENESAL ENERGY, R+D has always been one of the foundations of the company strategy.