Additive manufacturing
and the road
to sustainability

Sustainability has become a priority in all industrial sectors. The need to balance economic growth with environmental preservation is driving the search for innovative technologies to reduce environmental impact at all stages of the industrial process – including product manufacturing.

In this context, additive manufacturing is emerging as an innovative and effective solution for its potential to reduce the amount of raw materials required and waste generated, to the extent that it is already considered one of the fundamental pillars of 4.0 Industry.

What exactly is additive manufacturing?

Traditionally, products are made by removing material from a solid block through various processes, such as cutting, drilling or enamelling. In contrast to this process of ‘subtractive manufacturing’ is ‘additive manufacturing’, where the production of goods is done through the aggregation of material coatings. This addition is done layer by layer until the shape previously defined in a digital model is achieved, so that only the exact amount of material needed to create the part is used.

Fundamental principles
of additive manufacturing

The starting point for any additive manufacturing piece of work is the digital design of the part. Three-dimensional models are translated into two-dimensional layers that can be built up successively using a 3D printer. The materials used vary widely and include plastics, metals, ceramics, composites and even biomaterials.

The main current additive
manufacturing technologies are:

  •  Fused deposition modelling (FDM): uses heated and extruded thermoplastic filaments to build the part layer by layer. It is one of the most accessible and common technologies, especially in domestic use and prototyping.
  • Selective Laser Sintering (SLS): Uses high-power lasers to fuse powder particles of material, such as plastic or metal, to form solid structures. It is ideal for complex and durable parts.
  • Steriolithography (SLA): Solidifies photosensitive liquid resins layer by layer using an ultraviolet laser. Produces parts with great detail and high quality surface finishes.
  • Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS): Designed for metallic materials, this technology fuses metal powders using lasers. It is widely used in the aerospace and medical industries for its ability to create high-precision, high-strength parts.
  • Binder Jetting: Uses a binding agent to bind layers of powdered material together, which are then solidified by secondary processes such as sintering. It is an efficient technology for mass production of complex parts.

The impact of additive
manufacturing on sustainability

Reducing material waste

One of the most obvious benefits of additive manufacturing is the drastic reduction in material waste compared to the traditional subtractive process. For instance; when manufacturing metal components by milling, up to 90% of the raw material is wasted; whereas, with additive manufacturing, this waste can be almost non-existent. This advantage is particularly relevant in the manufacture of high-cost components, such as titanium in the aerospace industry.

Design optimisation and energy efficiency

The ability to manufacture complex geometries without great costs allows the design of optimised components that would not be feasible using traditional techniques. For example, lightweight lattice structures created through additive manufacturing offer an optimal weight-to-strength ratio, reducing energy consumption during the use of the final product.

Furthermore, the weight reduction often achieved through additive manufacturing – either through the new designs allowed or through the use of a new material for the manufacture of components – can translate into substantial fuel savings in key sectors such as freight transport. This, in turn, means reducing CO₂ emissions and thus the impact on climate change.

Local and decentralised production

Another advantage of additive manufacturing is on-demand production close to the point of use. This decentralisation drastically reduces the need for transportation and warehousing, two of the main contributors to greenhouse gas emissions in traditional supply chains. In addition, the ability to manufacture parts on-site in remote areas reduces dependence on a complex logistics system.

Use of recycled materials

The development of more sustainable materials is driving the adoption of additive manufacturing in contexts such as eco-design. Bioplastics such as PLA (polylactic acid), derived from biological raw materials such as corn, represent viable alternatives to petroleum-based plastics.

Similarly, the use of recycled materials is also on the rise, allowing 3D printed products to contribute to the advancement of the circular economy.

Genesal Energy’s commitment
to additive manufacturing

Although Genesal Energy had already tested additive manufacturing in the context of the NextFactory project, it was not until 2024 that it took the final step towards integrating this technology into its industrial processes. As part of a project co-funded by the Regional Goverment, the company has acquired a state-of-the-art 3D printer with the aim of reducing the carbon footprint of its generator sets.

One of the first initiatives has been the application of this technology in the design of the company’s standard line of generator sets. After appropriate calculations and various modelling and material application tests, it has been demonstrated that the use of 3D printed components not only reduces material waste, but also optimises the performance of the equipment. The results have been so promising that we plan to expand the use of these techniques to the rest of the range in the future.

On top of the environmental benefits, this technology also opens up new possibilities for product customisation and the manufacture of complex parts that improve the operational efficiency of gensets. This reinforces Genesal Energy’s commitment to innovation and sustainability in the customised energy sector.

Genesal Energy raises a toast to “energy that thinks about the future”

Genesal Energy looks to the future with determination and enthusiasm, promoting projects that combine innovation, sustainability and knowledge. This year we have taken key steps towards a future that will be marked by the constant development of technology and energy transition. Namely, we have tested sustainable fuels in our generator sets, developed our own hydrogen electrolyser, and made our social commitment clear with the creation of the Genesal Energy Foundation.

We have increased our turnover by 15% in 2024.

Without a doubt, 2024 has been a year to celebrate: the challenges and goals achieved, the joint effort of those who are part of Genesal Energy, our 30th anniversary, each customised project done with care and attention. Every step brings us closer to a brighter, more efficient and responsible future.

Three decades after our founding, Genesal Energy keeps growing every year, and reaching in 2024 a turnover of 27 million euros as a business group. At a time of changes in the distributed energy sector, we look to the future with the security that comes from experience.

The data centre sector, a manageable challenge

Data Processing Centres – which are driving digital transformation at a global level – are a market in continuous growth which demands precision, reliability and adaptability. This year has been key to consolidating our position as a benchmark in energy solutions for this type of critical facility.

We attended the Data Centre World in London, one of the most important trade fairs in the sector, where we presented our latest innovations in generator sets designed to ensure maximum reliability and sustainability. For two days, at the leading forum for data centre professionals, we shared our cutting-edge solutions adapted to the most demanding standards.

We also organised an event in Madrid, where data centre experts enjoyed training talks, networking and special activities in collaboration with leading engine manufacturers such as Baudouin.

These actions reinforce our vocation to always be close to our customers and professionals in the sector, offering them tailor-made solutions that guarantee the best energy performance.

Technological innovation and sustainability

2024 was also the year of major advances on our path towards a more sustainable future, with key projects such as the integration of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil into our gensets.

HVO, a second-generation biofuel, is obtained from raw materials as simple as used cooking oil and its possibilities are immense.

It lasts up to ten times longer than diesel and its performance is maintained at extreme temperatures, also lowering the carbon footprint.
Moreover, the commitment to Hydrogen is becoming more and more tangible. Through the H2OG project, we are developing hydrogen production equipment – our own electrolyser -. In the medium term, this knowledge will lay the foundations for the optimal integration of this energy vector into our management and storage system. In addition, it will also provide us with the keys to ensure that our generator sets run on this fuel.

This project began with the design of a small-scale electrolyser, which allows us to validate its operation and guarantee the expected results. Before building the final, larger equipment, it is allowing us to solve not anticipated problems before its final integration into the production system. This, in turn, results in cost reductions.

Technological innovation continued with the implementation of projects such as the creation of an augmented reality application that enhances the customer experience by allowing them to visualise and explore generator sets ‘in situ’ in a virtual environment.

Commitment to the future: from The Chair to Genesal Foundation

Sustainability and technological progress have always guided our vision, and we reaffirm our values through the initiatives of the Energy Transition Chair, culminating in the creation of the Genesal Energy Foundation, which will mark a new stage in our social work.

From the Chair, we have developed meetings such as the Seminar on the Corporate Carbon Footprint for SMEs and the Sustainable Fuels Seminar, spaces designed to promote knowledge and provide tools that promote the energy transition. We also organised the third edition of the award for the Best Final Degree or Master’s Project in Energy Transition, supporting young talent and innovative ideas that will shape the future of the sector.

Another milestone was the seminar Women STEM and Energy Transition, an initiative that seeks to promote female participation in the technology and energy sectors, achieving sustainable and inclusive development.

The year ended with a major event: the creation of the Genesal Energy Foundation, an entity that was created with the aim of being a driving force for change. This project represents our desire to go beyond the business sphere and actively contribute to a more equitable and environmentally friendly society.

Solid growth and New Awards

Undeniably, the last twelve months have been marked by continuous growth, with a 15% increase in turnover and an expanding team. These results were added to external recognition, such as the Potencia 2024 Award in the category ‘Auxiliary Machinery’, which positions Genesal Energy as a top player in innovative high-power solutions. A recognition to the professionalism of the team of engineers who design the units and the rest of the team who make them a reality.

The opening of a new technical assistance site in the Basque Country marked an important step in the national expansion.

Meanwhile, on an international level, we have participated in more than a hundred projects on almost every continent.

We have managed to ensure the supply in sugar factories in Tanzania, guarantee the medical and vital care of one of the main hospitals in La Paz in Bolivia, or provide a data centre in Norway with generators capable of supplying the emergency network under very adverse weather conditions.

Genesal Energy’s gensets are also present in major European infrastructures, such as Greenlink (bringing clean energy to thousands of people between Ireland and Wales), the main airports or the largest engineering research centre in Spain.

2024 closes a chapter full of achievements but opens an even more exciting one. Here’s to the commitment, passion, humility and hard work of all the people who make it possible for Genesal Energy to continue writing its history. Because the best is yet to come, and together we are ready to face it.

Biogas and biomethane: key players in the circular economy and the energy transition

Fluido verde

“Biogas and biomethane stand out within the bio circularity ecosystem for their ability to offer immediate and viable solutions in the ecological transition.”

Margarita de Gregorio, CEO of Biocirc.

One of the fundamental aspects in the fight against climate change is the economy. Currently, the linear economy, based on the ‘extract, produce, consume and dispose’ model, contributes significantly to the environmental crisis by prioritising economic profit and ignoring sustainability. This way of acting leads to a depletion of natural resources, the generation of large amounts of waste and the emission of greenhouse gases.

It is therefore crucial to move towards what is known as the ‘circular economy’. This new economic system promotes the management and recovery of waste to keep it in the production cycle for as long as possible. This helps to reduce both the consumption of raw materials, and the amount of waste generated.

The part of the circular economy that addresses the production cycle of those sectors whose raw materials are of biological origin is known as bio circularity. This approach makes it possible to replace raw materials of fossil origin with others of renewable origin, while at the same time reusing organic waste, contributing to the decarbonisation of multiple sectors and to a more sustainable management of waste.

In this context, biogas and biomethane play crucial roles thanks to their ability to regenerate natural systems and contribute to the energy transition. But first things first…

What is biogas and biomethane?

Fluido verde
Biogas is a renewable, carbon-neutral gas produced from the anaerobic digestion of organic matter, i.e. from the biodegradation of organic waste in the absence of oxygen. Thus, during this process, which takes place in an airtight tank or digester, the carbohydrates, proteins and lipids present in the waste are broken down by a series of bacteria, releasing a mixture of gases known as biogas. In addition, digestate, a biosolid with high fertiliser capacity, is also obtained as a by-product.

The composition of biogas varies depending on the waste used as raw material or substrate, although it is usually between 50-75% methane (CH₄) and 25-45% carbon dioxide (CO), with small amounts of other gases such as hydrogen sulphide (H₂S), ammonia (NH₃), volatile organic compounds (VOC) and water vapour.

Of the aforementioned, the methane concentration is the most relevant factor, as it determines the calorific value of the fuel. 1 m³ of biogas with a composition of 50% CH₄ would produce 5 kWh of energy, replacing 0.50 m³ of natural gas; whereas, if the methane composition is raised to 65%, the same cubic metre of biogas would produce 6.40 kWh of energy, replacing 0.65 m³ of natural gas. [These calculations are based on the lower calorific value of natural gas (10.83 kWh/m³)].

On the other hand, before being used as energy, biogas must undergo a process to remove impurities that can cause damage to the installations and reduce the efficiency of the system. H₂S, for example, is highly corrosive and can damage motors, turbines and other equipment if it is not removed adequately. In addition, water vapour reduces the calorific value of the biogas, which is why it is essential to separate it.

After this process, biogas is suitable for use as a fuel in the production of heat in gas boilers or in the generation of electricity through combustion engines, among others.

However, to broaden its applications, biogas can undergo an additional process, known as ‘upgrading’, for the production of biomethane. This process involves the almost total elimination of CO and other residual compounds, raising the methane concentration to more than 95%. The result is a renewable gas with energy-characteristics comparable to fossil natural gas.

The advantage of biomethane over biogas lies in its higher calorific value and its ability to replace natural gas, thanks to its high methane content. This allows biomethane to be injected directly into the existing gas grid, extending its use to sectors such as transport, industry and residential. Its integration into existing infrastructure makes it an immediate decarbonisation solution, especially compared to other renewable gases, which require the development of specific infrastructures. Moreover, if biogenic CO₂ capture is carried out during its production, biomethane can achieve negative carbon emissions.

Opportunities in the valorisation of organic waste

The dual benefits of biogas and biomethane – as a renewable energy source and a climate mitigation tool – are sufficient to take them into account in the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon energy system. But their use has advantages that go far beyond the simple production of energy, as the production of these biofuels is also emerging as an innovative and sustainable solution for the valuation of organic waste produced by various economic sectors.

Currently, part of this waste is managed inefficiently and it often ends up polluting soil, water and the atmosphere itself, which has a high environmental impact. In this context, anaerobic digestion can play a key role in managing waste such as the following:

  • Livestock sector: Livestock waste, such as manure, slurry, animal bedding and cleaning water, can lead to the incorporation of heavy metals into the soil, the pollution of water by excess nitrates or the emission of ammonia into the atmosphere if not properly managed.
  • Agricultural sector: Agricultural residues, including pruning, wood and herbaceous waste, are often inefficiently managed through indiscriminate burning or abandonment, contributing to environmental degradation, fires and the spread of pests.
  • Food sector: Slaughterhouse rejects, waste from the fishing industry, organic waste and liquid by-products from the dairy industry, or fruit or vegetable scraps that are not reused can end up rotting in landfills, where they emit methane, a gas with a warming potential 21 times greater than CO₂.
  • Municipal Solid Waste (MSW): The organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW), such as food waste or domestic pruning, can be biodegraded and reused to produce energy or natural fertilisers. This process also contributes to achieving the recycling targets set out in Law 7/2022 on Waste and Contaminated Soils, which allows further progress towards a circular economy by reducing municipal waste.
  • Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP): Sludge generated in wastewater treatment represents a costly challenge for WWTPs, as its management can account for up to 50% of operational costs. Anaerobic digestion can reduce the volume of sludge and generate biogas, turning a problematic waste into a renewable source of energy.

Granaj biometano plano cenital
In other words, biogas and biomethane stand out not only as renewable energy sources and tools for decarbonisation, but also for their ability to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, bringing greater flexibility to the energy system.

Their ability to decarbonise sectors that are difficult to electrify is particularly valuable in the transition to a cleaner energy model.


In addition, anaerobic digestion technology is already well established, and the necessary infrastructure is available, making biogas and biomethane an immediate solution.

A crucial added value of these sources is their contribution to the circular economy, since, as we have seen, they allow the revalorisation of organic waste generated by various sectors. Not only do they significantly reduce waste, but they also create new opportunities in sustainable and circular value chains, especially on a small scale and in rural environments. This approach favours the dynamisation of these areas, while contributing to the fulfilment of the objectives of the bioeconomy in Spain, promoting a more balanced and sustainable model of economic development.

Picture 1. Biogas value chain

Biogas and Biomethane Genesal Energy gensets

Genesal Energy is fully aware of the enormous potential of renewable gases and the importance of the circular economy. We participate in projects that promote the valorisation of waste to transform it into valuable resources such as biofuels. These gases can be used to power gensets, taking a further step towards a sustainable energy model by not only using a renewable source instead of conventional fossil diesel, but also a source generated from the reuse of waste that would otherwise end up representing an environmental problem.

Hand in hand with FACSA, SMALLOPS, AIMEN and UVA, we are part of the ENEDAR project – ‘Improving the energy efficiency and sustainability of wastewater treatment plants through the valorisation of WWTP sludge’, financed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European funds NextGeneration UE/PRTR.

Genesal Energy is here responsible for designing and validating the operation of a generator set powered by fuels from the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge from a pilot plant; reaffirming our commitment to the energy transition and the creation of immediate and practical solutions for a sustainable future.

Technician contemplating how to connect a generator

How to connect a genset in industrial or commercial installations

Technician connecting a generator in an industrial setting
Connecting a generator set to the power grid of an industrial or commercial facility is a key process to ensure a continuous supply during grid failures.

In sectors such as industry, hospitals or data centres, where energy is vital, it is essential to know the correct steps and methods to make a safe and efficient connection.

Basic concepts for the connection of a generating set

Before proceeding with the installation of a generating set, it is essential to carry out an exhaustive analysis of the electrical demand of the installation. This involves calculating the power required for critical equipment, verifying current safety regulations and correctly sizing the system components.

Each installation has specific needs, so it is essential to design a system that guarantees a reliable supply and complies with protection standards.

Key requirements include

  • Critical load assessment: Identify which areas and equipment need continuous supply in the event of mains failure.
  • System planning: Determine the type of generator set, switchgear capacity, and the voltage and frequency to be supplied.
  • Regulatory compliance: Ensure that the design of the installation complies with low voltage regulations and that all relevant safety measures are in place.

General view of a shopping center where energy is essential

Methods of connection of a generating set to the mains

Direct connection of the generating set to the grid

To ensure efficient switching between the mains and the generating set, it is essential to use a switchboard. This device automatically detects any mains failure and switches over to the genset without manual intervention (in case of an automatic system). The ATS (automatic switchboard) is the key element in installations where the continuity of the power supply is critical, as it ensures that the change of the power supply is carried out without cuts or with a minimum cut-off. Learn more about the mains/generator switching process here.

The installation process of an ATS includes the configuration of its parameters so that, in the event of any mains failure, the system can start the generator and transfer the load instantaneously. This type of automation is essential in sectors such as hospitals, data centres or telecommunications infrastructures, where any interruption may be unacceptable.

Connecting a three-phase genset

In high-demand industrial environments, three-phase gensets are often used to ensure a balanced power distribution. These generators operate using three phases of alternating current and can be connected in two main configurations: star or delta.

  • Star connection: In this scheme, all phases are connected to a single neutral point, which facilitates the balancing of distributed loads.
  • Delta connection: In this type of connection, the end of one phase is connected to the beginning of the next phase, creating a closed loop between the phases.

The choice between these two schemes will depend on the type of load, the power required and the infrastructure available in the installation.

Connection to critical systems

In critical facilities such as hospitals, telecommunications centres or industrial plants, it is crucial that certain equipment is always kept operational. For this purpose, secure lines are implemented that directly connect critical systems to the generator set.

These lines are designed to receive power immediately in the event of a grid failure. In addition, many of these systems include redundancies and continuous monitoring, ensuring that the generator set is always ready to start when needed. In these cases, it is common to use several generators connected in parallel to improve security and supply capacity.
Doctors in a hospital reviewing an X-ray

Steps to connect a generator set safely

1. Assessment of the installation’s power and requirements

The first step to a proper connection is to make a detailed assessment of the power required by the installation during a power outage. This includes identifying the equipment requiring continuous supply and determining the rated and starting powers to be provided by the genset.

It is crucial to correctly calculate the critical load to ensure that the selected generator is able to cover all the needs of the facility without overloading.

2. Configuration of the Automatic Transfer Switchboard (ATS)

The ATS is responsible for the automatic switchover between the mains and the genset. Its correct configuration is key to ensuring that the system reacts quickly and efficiently to failures in the mains supply. This includes adjusting the delay times, the sensitivity of the system to detect fluctuations in voltage and frequency, as well as the generator start and stop settings.

A well-configured ATS not only ensures efficient switching, but also protects both the generator set and the connected equipment from possible fluctuations or failures in the grid.

3. Installation of conductors and protections

To ensure the safety of the installation, it is essential to correctly select the conductors and protective devices, such as fuses, differential and thermal relays. In three-phase installations, it is particularly important to ensure that the three phases are balanced to avoid problems of overload in one phase and underutilization in the others.

The dimensioning of the conductors must be done according to the capacity of the generating set and the distance between the generator and the switchboards. In addition, independent earthing systems must be installed to protect both personnel and equipment against possible insulation faults.

4. Connection and synchronisation tests

Once the installation is complete, it is crucial to perform extensive tests to ensure that the genset can transfer the load correctly without interruption. These tests include:

  • Verifying that the ATS responds appropriately to a simulated mains failure.
  • Checking that the genset can take the full load of the installation without sudden variations in frequency or voltage.
  • Perform synchronisation tests for installations where several generators operate in parallel, ensuring that all generators work in a balanced way and without interference.

In addition, the quality of the power supplied by the generator set should be verified, ensuring that it meets the requirements of the critical equipment of the installation.

A detailed analysis of the power requirements, the proper configuration of the automatic transfer switch (ATS) and the implementation of protective measures are essential to ensure a reliable and continuous power supply.

The key to success in these installations lies in designing a system that allows critical equipment to continue operating without interruption, ensuring the safety and efficiency of the entire electrical infrastructure.

Energy security in the fight against climate change

Energy safety in the fight against climate change: risks and opportunities

Landscape with wind turbines at sunset, symbolizing the transition to renewable energy with energy safety and the fight against climate change.
For several years now, one of the biggest challenges in the fight against climate change has been related to the energy safety supply.

Although progress has been made, the energy sector is still the largest emitter of greenhouse gases and further efforts are needed. Also, energy production needs to be renewable and adaptable to already occurring climate conditions. Erratic weather patterns, rising global temperatures and the intensification of extreme weather events challenge the ability of energy systems to provide secure, continuous and affordable supply highlighting this need for adaptation.

Growth in energy demand

Climate change, combined with population growth and economic development, increases energy demand globally. E.g. The use of air conditioning systems in countries with emerging economies and warm climates, where income growth is allowing greater access to cooling technologies. In 2000, the global energy demand for residential air conditioning in summer was 300 TWh, but this is projected to increase to 4,000 TWh by 2050 in regions such as India, Brazil and other developing countries.

As global temperatures rise, these countries will experience longer and hotter summers, which will increase cooling use and thus electricity demand. Although in the more advanced economies and colder climates the need for heating during the winter is likely to decrease, overall energy demand will continue to increase due to the use of air conditioning in the summer months. This change in energy consumption patterns will require a reassessment of global energy strategies, with particular attention to the growing needs of developing countries.

Impact on power generation

Climate change is also affecting power generation. Thermal power plants, which currently produce around 80% of the world’s electricity, are reducing their efficiency due to higher ambient temperatures. Thermal conversion is less efficient in extremely hot conditions. In addition, the availability cooling of water is decreasing forcing them to operate at reduced capacities or even to temporarily halt power production. Thermal plants are designed to operate under more stable climatic conditions and, although most energy transition plans involve the closure of most of these, it must be kept in mind that this process will be gradual. During this transition period, thermal plants will remain a key part of the global energy supply, especially in countries where the infrastructure for renewable energy is not yet fully developed.

Nuclear power plants are particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events, such as hurricanes or storms, which can damage their cooling systems and other critical equipment necessary for the safe operation of reactors. Events such as Hurricane Harvey in 2017, which affected nuclear plants in Texas, highlight the need to strengthen energy infrastructures in the face of such events.

On the other hand, hydroelectric power, which depends on the hydrological cycle, is also at risk. In regions such as the Zambeze River in Africa, hydropower generation capacity is projected to decline by up to 35% by 2050 due to reduced rainfall and rising temperatures. However, in Asia, projections suggest an increase in hydropower capacity, showing that climate change will affect different regions differently.

In addition, renewable energies such as solar and wind are also exposed to the effects of climate change. Increased cloud cover in certain areas will affect the efficiency of solar panels, while more frequent and severe storms could damage both solar and wind installations. Extreme weather events and changes in wind patterns will complicate the integration of these sources into electricity systems, which may require greater investment in energy storage technologies to mitigate their intermittency.

Diagram of the energy system adaptation cycle in response to climate change.

Threats to energy infrastructure

Energy transmission and distribution infrastructures are particularly vulnerable to climate change. Higher temperatures, rising sea levels, melting permafrost, floods and landslides will put energy transmission networks and pipelines at risk. In coastal areas, rising sea levels may damage pipelines and energy facilities, while in permafrost areas, thawing could affect the stability of infrastructure. In addition, heat waves and forest fires that are becoming more frequent also pose a threat to power lines, as has already been seen in countries such as the United States and Australia.

The fossil fuel sector, in particular oil and gas, is also exposed to extreme weather events. Tropical cyclones, such as Hurricane Katrina in 2005, can disrupt operations on offshore extraction platforms and affect onshore infrastructure, leading to disruptions in global energy production and supply. Although the melting of ice in the Arctic presents an opportunity for exploration of new oil and gas reserves – which could increase the global supply of these resources – the exploitation of these reserves would entail new environmental and logistical risks.

The role of generating sets in energy safety

In this context of increasing energy demand and infrastructure vulnerability, gensets emerge as a vital solution to improve energy security. They act as back-up systems that ensure a continuous supply of electricity during outages or interruptions. Particularly useful for critical facilities, such as hospitals, data centres, wind farms and emergency services, which cannot afford interruptions in their power supply.
In addition, gensets are versatile and can be used in a variety of applications, from industrial operations to residential areas, providing an independent power source that can be tailored to the specific needs of each user. In regions where the electrical infrastructure is more vulnerable to disruptions, gensets can provide an effective emergency power solution, ensuring that communities and industries continue to function even during the most severe weather events.
Finally, the deployment of cleaner and more efficient gensets, powered by renewable fuels or clean energy technologies, can contribute to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with long-term sustainability goals.

In this sense, gensets not only act as a temporary solution to energy supply insecurity but can also be integrated into a broader climate change adaptation and resilience strategy, offering both energy security and opportunities to move towards a more sustainable future.

Image of an electrical grid with mains/generator switching

What is it and how does the Mains/Genset switching work?

Power plant backlit against the sunset glow.
Mains/Genset switching is a key process in the installation of gensets, ensuring continuous power supply during grid failures. This mechanism is essential in critical sectors, where a lack of electricity can cause serious problems.

In this article, we explain in detail what Mains/Genset switching is, the different types of systems, and how to choose the most suitable for your installation.

What is a Mains/Genset switch?

Concept and definition

Mains/Genset switchover is the process of switching from the main power source (the mains) to a backup power source (the genset) when a mains failure is detected. This switching can be done manually or automatically and ensures continuity of power supply.

Importance in uninterruptible power supply

This process is essential in facilities that cannot afford a prolonged power outage, such as hospitals, industries or data centres. Thanks to switching, the generator set is activated to ensure that power continues to flow without interruption, avoiding economic losses and possible damage to sensitive equipment.
Imagen de industria con sistema de conmutación

Mains/Genset switchboards and diagrams

Mains/Genset switchboard: Function and components

The switchboard is an essential device in this process. It is composed of two power inputs: the mains and the generating set, and an output which distributes the electricity to the loads. While the grid is in operation, the switchboard keeps its input active, but in case of failure, it switches to the genset input.

Types of switching systems

Based on their operation, there are 3 types of switching systems:

  • Manual: Requires human intervention to switch from mains to genset.
  • Automatic: The system acts automatically as soon as it detects a mains failure.
  • Remote: Allows remote switching, which can be useful in decentralised installations.

Manual (local) switching

This is the simplest switching system. Manual switching requires an operator to physically intervene to switch from the mains to the genset. This type of system is usually used in installations where power outages do not have a serious impact or in cases where simplicity and low cost are a priority. The operator, in the event of a mains failure, must operate a switch or device to start the genset and transfer the load.

Advantages of Manual Switching

  • Reduced cost: Manual systems are more economical compared to automatic systems.
  • Simplicity: They are easy to install and operate in non-critical environments.
  • Direct control: The operator can decide when and how to switch.

Disadvantages of Manual Switching

  • Slow response time: Requires human intervention, which delays the reactivation of the supply.
  • Operator dependency: If no personnel are available, switching will not take place.
  • Risk of errors: Manual operation can lead to errors, such as failures in the switching procedure.

Automatic switching

Automatic switchover is the most advanced and efficient option. This system is designed to detect faults in the electrical network immediately and switch over to the generator set without human intervention. It is ideal for installations where continuity of power supply is crucial, as the process is fast and avoids prolonged outages.

Advantages of automatic switchover

  • Fast response: Switching is done in a matter of seconds, minimising outage time.
  • Increased reliability: No reliance on human intervention, reducing the margin of error.
  • Continuity of service: Ideal for critical installations where a prolonged outage could have serious consequences.

Remote switching

Remote switching allows remote switching between the grid and the genset to be performed remotely. This system is useful in decentralised installations or in large installations where physical access to the switching systems is not practical, such as telecommunications installations scattered throughout the territory.

The operator can activate the switching from a remote panel, a mobile device or via a programmed system.

Advantages of remote switching

  • Remote access: The system can be controlled from any location, which facilitates management in complex installations.
  • Operational flexibility: Can be integrated with other remote control and automation systems.
  • Reduced physical intervention: Reduces the need for physical travel to the equipment location.
  • Can be both automatic and manual (remotely).

Photograph of a city illuminated at sunset

Maintenance and considerations for Mains/Genset switching

Common problems and solutions in unstable networks

In areas with unstable power grids, switchboards can be damaged by constant power surges and outages. A common solution is to use surge arresters and opt for DC-supplied switchboards, which are less susceptible to mains fluctuations.

Maintenance of switchboards

Regular maintenance of switchboards is essential to ensure their proper functioning. It is recommended to check contactors and control relays, and to ensure that there is no wear or damage to coils or circuit breakers.

Mains/Genset switching is an essential component in any installation using generator sets as a backup power source. Selecting the right system and carrying out regular maintenance is key to ensuring that the power supply is continuous and uninterrupted.

Check this article for more information on connecting generators.

Industrial generator at a production plant, illustrating the factors that influence how much a generator costs.

How much is a generator set worth: Key factors in calculating the price

Industrial generator being installed at a plant.

In the industrial sector, the choice of a genset is not only about finding the most economical equipment, but also about selecting the one that best fits the operational and strategic needs of the company.

Understanding which factors influence the price of a generator set is crucial to making an investment that guarantees reliability, efficiency and durability in the long term. We review them below.


A critical factor that has a direct impact on cost. This value, expressed in kilowatts (kW) or kilovoltamperes (kVA), defines the load carrying capacity of the equipment. In an industrial environment, it is essential to select a generator set that not only meets current power demands, but also has room for future upgrades.

Higher power equipment is not only more expensive, but also requires a larger infrastructure for proper installation and operation.

Fuel type

Diesel generators, although more expensive than petrol generators, are preferred in industrial environments due to their durability, efficiency and lower maintenance costs.

On the other hand, gas gensets offer a more sustainable option with lower emissions, although their implementation requires the availability and cost of gas supply.

Technology and functionalities

The advanced features of a genset can significantly influence its price. Some aspects to consider include:

  • Automatic start-up: Ideal for ensuring operational continuity in the event of power outages.
  • Remote monitoring: Allows efficient and preventive management, reducing downtime and optimising maintenance.
  • Protection systems: Integration of systems to protect against overloads, short circuits and other operational risks.

Each of these features adds value to the equipment, but also increases its base cost.

Technician working on the installation of a new industrial generator.

Soundproofing options

The choice between an open-type or soundproofed genset will depend on its intended location. Soundproofed gensets are the choice in areas where noise control is a priority, such as hospitals or city centres, but are more expensive due to the additional sound insulation and materials required in their manufacture.

Applications and environment

The type of application for which the genset is intended also influences its price. Equipment designed for industrial use, capable of operating in extreme conditions or critical applications, is usually more robust and therefore more expensive.

When assessing the needs of a project, it is crucial to consider:

  • Environmental conditions: Equipment designed to operate in extreme climates, from sub-zero temperatures to desert conditions, will require specific modifications.
  • Regulations: Complying with emissions or noise regulations may require additional components that increase the price.

Industrial plant in a cold, snowy environment.

Summary of factors affecting the price of a generator set

  • Power: Directly proportional to the load capacity.
  • Fuel: Diesel, petrol or natural gas have different costs.
  • Technology: Automatic start, remote monitoring, or advanced protection. These are features that will increase the price.
  • Design: Open vs. Soundproofed. Soundproofing requires materials that come at an additional cost.
  • Application: Industrial, commercial, or extreme conditions.

By considering these factors, it is possible to choose the generator set that best fits the needs of each project, optimising the investment and ensuring reliable performance.

Genesal Energy is committed to offering tailored, high-quality solutions, backed by solid experience and specialised technical support.

Engineers reviewing blueprints to calculate the generator you need in an industrial environment.

How to calculate the generator you need

Technicians analyzing blueprints and details of an electrical project in an industrial setting.

Selecting the right genset is a critical task that goes beyond simply estimating power. An incorrect calculation can result in oversized equipment, which implies unnecessary costs, or undersized equipment, compromising the operation of the entire installation.

Below, we show you how to correctly calculate the generator set you need, considering all the technical factors involved.

How to proceed with power calculation

Firstly, you need determine the required power, carrying out a load assessment. In order to do this correctly, it is also necessary to consider the start-up peaks caused by some types of loads such as electric motors.

Load assessment: The first step is to identify all the loads that the genset will have to feed. This includes machinery, electrical systems, safety equipment, and any other critical devices to be powered by the genset. It is essential to add up the constant powers of all these loads considering that all the loads might not be connected at the same time.

Consideration of start-up peaks: Some machinery has a peak electrical demand at start-up which can be between 2 and 5 times higher than their consumption in normal operation. Most commonly, these are the ones driven by electric motors, some examples and their classification are given below:

  • Light starting: Turbines and fans (2 to 3 times of normal consumption).
  • Medium start: Conveyor belts and compressors (3 to 4 times of normal consumption).
  • Heavy start-up: Cranes and lifting equipment (4 to 5 times of normal consumption).

Technicians working on the maintenance and inspection of a generator in an industrial plant.

Calculation will also depend on the type of motor drive. If the electric motor is powered by a frequency inverter (or other advanced system) the starting peak may vary. E.g. Direct starts, the most unfavourable case.

It is also important to know the moment each load shall be started as it may be the case that all the loads do not start at the same time, this is called the load-step start.

F.i. In order for the diesel engine to be able to handle the high starting peaks, a genset of twice as much power as the highest starting peak is considered.

Total power calculation: Sum of the constant powers identified in the load assessment.

Table for calculating the power of a generating set

The above calculations can be expressed in a table like this one:

Equipment / Load Constant Power (KW) Simultaneity factor Starting factor Start-up Power (kW) Load-Step Start Total Power (kW)
Machine A 5 1 3 15 1
Machine B 8 1 2 16 1
Lighting 3 1 1 3 2
Compressor 10 1 4 40 2
Fans 4 1 2 8 1
Total Constant Power 30 kW
Load-Step 1 Start-up 39 kW
Load-Step 2 Start-up 43 kW
Needed Power 86 kW (2 x 43kW)
Safety Margin (10%) 94.6 kW
Power Factor (0.8) 118.25 kVA

How to use this table

  • Equipment or load: List the equipment or loads to be connected to the genset.
  • Constant power (kW): Enter the rated power of each piece of equipment in kilowatts (kW).
  • Simultaneity factor: Indicate a figure to express how many loads are operating simultaneously.
  • Start-up factor: Apply a start-up factor for each equipment according to its type (e.g., 2 for light start-up, 4 for heavy start-up).
  • Starting power (kW): Multiply the power by the starting factor.
  • Starting step: Indicate the different steps to express which loads start simultaneously.
  • Total power (kW): Add the starting powers to obtain the total power required.
  • Safety margin: Apply a safety margin (10% in this case).
  • Power Factor: Divide the adjusted total power by the power factor (normally 0.8) to obtain the apparent power in kVA, which is used to select the genset.

Snowy mountain landscape illustrating the challenges of operating generators in cold climates, where low temperatures can affect engine startup and efficiency.

Environmental conditions affecting genset power requirements

Extreme environmental conditions can have a significant impact on the performance and efficiency of a generator set. It is crucial to consider these variables when calculating the required power and selecting the right equipment.

Extreme temperatures

  • Low temperatures: In cold climates, engine start may be slower and engine oil may thicken, reducing efficiency and increasing wear. It is essential to consider a genset with engine & fuel preheating systems, as well as oil suitable for low temperatures.
  • High temperatures: Excessive heat can cause the engine to overheat and reduce the cooling capacity of the system. Generator sets in these environments should be equipped with enhanced cooling systems, such as larger capacity radiators or additional fans.


At higher altitudes, air density decreases, which affects both combustion and cooling capacity. This results in a reduction of the power available from the genset. It is considered that for every 300 metres of altitude above sea level, engine power decreases by approximately 3-5%.

Adjustments required according to environmental conditions

  • Power adjustment: Recalculate the required genset power to consider losses associated with altitude and temperature.
  • Selection of suitable components: Ensure that the genset has specific components for operating in extreme environmental conditions, such as enhanced cooling systems or corrosion protection.
  • Additional maintenance and testing: Implement a regular maintenance programme that includes FATs in the actual environmental conditions in which the equipment will operate to ensure optimal performance and prevent unexpected failures.

Taking these environmental factors into account is essential to ensure that the genset will operate reliably and efficiently, regardless of the conditions it is exposed to.

Genesal Energy Engineering Department takes all these critical factors into account when designing and selecting the most suitable generator set for each project. We ensure that each piece of equipment is perfectly adapted to the specific environmental conditions and energy needs of our customers, guaranteeing optimum performance, durability and efficiency, no matter where.

Genesal Energy team celebrating its 30th anniversary.

30 years of Genesal Energy: innovation and sustainability driving a future of pure energy.

We have manufactured around 1,000 high-quality generator sets per year, and we are present in more than 100 countries.

Genesal Energy team celebrating 30 years of innovation and sustainability in energy solutions.

Genesal Energy celebrates three decades of history, a path marked by innovation, sustainability and a firm commitment to customisation. Since 1994, we have proven to be a benchmark in distributed energy generation, consolidating our position as a key player both nationally and internationally.

In a world where the energy demand is constantly evolving, Genesal Energy has anticipated the challenges of the sector. From the design and manufacture of latest generation generator sets to the implementation of customised systems, our teams have always placed innovation at the heart of their activity.

The finest staff of professionals and their expertise have allowed us to develop projects on five continents, guaranteeing energy in remote areas, in key infrastructures and in critical environments. Whether in large industrial plants, hospitals or strategic facilities, our generator sets have ensured a stable and efficient supply, contributing to energy security.

Over the years, and led by our CEOs José Manuel Fernández and Julio Arca, Genesal has strengthened its presence in the international market with innovative and highly competitive solutions. Leaving our mark in more than 100 countries, opening subsidiaries in South America, and collaborating with organisations such as the UN and Iberdrola, among many others.

Our generator sets are meticulously designed and prepared to supply electricity 24/7 in all situations. Guaranteeing the safety of people and maintaining vital infrastructures in operation in the event of a service interruption in the network.

Thanks to a team of 150 employees who give their very best, always focused on the future and committed to innovation as an engine for growth. The involvement and level of professionalism of Genesal Energy’s Team has allowed us to create high-performing energy solutions adapted to the needs of each client in a constantly evolving market.

Greenesal: the commitment to a sustainable future

Sustainability is one of Genesal’s fundamental pillars, a strategic area for the development of the company. This involvement has driven the creation of Greenesal – our energy transition plan – which includes the objectives to be followed to make our activity more efficient and respectful with the environment.

In a context where the transition to cleaner energies is urgent, the company has incorporated environmentally friendly technologies and processes. Among the projects carried out, we have been the first company in the region to have a photovoltaic façade, managed with AI software, which will generate 11,000 kWh per year.

We have also promoted the first Energy Transition Chair in collaboration with the University of Santiago de Compostela with the aims of exchanging knowledge & generate more research linked to sustainability.

Also, among the main lines of work for the coming years is to complete the transition from diesel to gas and sustainable fuels and to incorporate new technologies in all our designs.

Genesal Energy’s 30th anniversary is not only an occasion to celebrate the road we have travelled, but also to look to the future with optimism and ambition. We continue to invest in research & development, leading the transformation of the energy sector towards more sustainable and efficient models.

Emergency supply: Guaranteed

We have implemented many projects on different continents that stand out for their uniqueness and the impact they have on local communities. Specialised designs & Innovative manufacturing for efficient and sustainable generators around the world.

We have been part of projects such as reinforcing the supply in one of the main brown sugar factories in Tanzania, guaranteeing the medical and vital care of one of the main hospitals in La Paz in Bolivia, or doing a real engineering feat to provide a data centre in Norway with sets capable of feeding the emergency network in the most adverse weather conditions.

Genesal Energy machinery is also present in major European infrastructures, such as the Greenlink (the colossal engineering project designed to bring clean energy to thousands of people through an immense underwater highway between the Irish Sea and Pembrokeshire in Wales), the main airports and the largest engineering research centre in Spain.

Genesal Energy continues to explore new frontiers after 30 years of success, ready to continue being a reference in the sector, worldwide.

Article on public-private collaboration

Public-private collaboration, what is its added value for Genesal Energy?

Public-private collaboration roundtable participants
Collaboration between public and private entities (public-private collaboration) in the field of research, development and innovation (R&D&I) has proven to be a driving force for technological and economic progress. This synergy allows the combination of resources, knowledge and capabilities from different sectors, generating benefits that transcend both parties and have a positive impact on society as a whole.

Boosting R&D&I and Competitiveness

Private companies, thanks to their focus on competitiveness and their vision of the market, provide a practical and results-oriented perspective. On the other hand, public entities, such as technology centres, with their vast knowledge and experience in advanced research, provide a solid base of scientific and technical knowledge. This combination enables the leap from ideas to marketable tech products.

Moreover, this collaboration fosters the competitiveness of private companies. By improving products and processes, companies can differentiate themselves in the market and achieve a competitive advantage. Companies that develop such collaborative frameworks not only benefit individually, but the economic ecosystem as a whole is strengthened.

Resource Optimisation and Cost Reduction

Both research and development are costly and risky processes, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. Collaboration with public technology centres makes it possible to share these risks and costs. Public institutions often have advanced research infrastructures and equipment that can be used by private companies, thus reducing the need to invest in expensive in-house equipment and laboratories.

In addition, this collaboration facilitates access to public funding and grants for R&D&I projects, which significantly reduces the financial burden for companies. This is especially beneficial in emerging sectors or in high-risk projects where profitability is not guaranteed in the short term.

Knowledge Transfer and Training

Public-private collaboration in R&D&I also promotes the transfer of knowledge and skills between academia and industry. Private companies can benefit from the education and training provided by technology centres, thus improving the skills of their staff and fostering a culture of continuous innovation.

Researchers and technicians in public centres can also gain valuable practical experience by working on market-oriented projects, enriching their perspective and increasing their ability to develop real-world solutions. This feedback is essential to maintain the relevance and quality of public research.

Success stories: the collaboration between Genesal Energy and AIMEN

An example of the benefits of public-private collaboration in R&D&I is the alliance we have established at Genesal Energy with the AIMEN Technology Centre (Northwest Metallurgical Research Association), to develop projects focused on the energy transition.

Thanks to this collaboration, Genesal Energy has been able to take advantage of AIMEN’s research and development capabilities, including its expertise in advanced materials, manufacturing processes and automation technologies. This alliance has resulted in the materialisation of two R&D&I projects focused on renewable gases:

  • H2GEN, which seeks to develop a new generation of generator sets capable of operating with hydrogen in order to be more environmentally friendly.
  • ENEDAR, which aims to improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of wastewater treatment plants through the recovery of WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant) sludge. Three other private companies and the University of Valladolid are also collaborating in this project.

In the following video Álvaro García Martínez, Energy & Large Industry Sales Manager at AIMEN, gives us his vision of the added value of this type of project.