Our power plant generator sets offer the most reliable, safe, and efficient support for power generation plants of all kinds. We keep everything under control by providing power supply in the event of any system outage or emergency. We ensure that power generation is always available.
Protected and secure power
If a fossil fuel extraction, treatment, or generation plant (whether coal, natural gas, or another component) runs out of electricity supply, the monitoring systems can stop working and in this scenario, there would be a facility that manages highly flammable materials (including explosives) that is out of control, presenting a danger to the plant and the employees.
The case would be the same in renewable energy generation plants. If the power source is a nuclear, coal or natural gas reactor, losing supply is simply not an option, as it would equate to losing control of the facility. In addition, due to the high temperatures, the fuels used and the pressures that can build up inside the facility, the danger rises to the nth degree, and can even spread to nearby towns. With energy sources such as wind, solar, or hydraulic, the problem is similar.
Reliable support for all types of power generation
For all these reasons, in the new energy models, the systems that guarantee the continuity of the electrical service are more necessary than ever, either due to an emergency situation or because it is an isolated system where renewable energy sources do not guarantee supply. In all such cases, power plant generator sets are the solution: they are capable of responding to an emergency in the event of a failure of the electrical power system (it would ideally be of maximum energy efficiency).
In addition, if the priority is sustainability, equipment that runs on gas or biofuels can also be installed. These are a guarantee of a safe, reliable, and sustainable energy model, even based on a circular economy.
The key features of a power plant generator set
In this type of facility, the features of the emergency generator sets are highly variable (medium voltage, high soundproofing, room division, integrated double-walled fuel tanks, etc.), as is the required mode of operation. For this reason, a fully customised solution is essential, analysing all the requirements and specifications of the project (reliability, efficiency, sustainability, etc.)
Solutions tailored
to every need
We are specialists in designing, developing, manufacturing, testing, and commissioning the most suitable generator set system. We channel all the experience of our team of professionals with highly personalised programmes and a maintenance service adapted to the requirements of the most demanding projects.