Premio Pyme del año 2019

We’re SME of the year!

Energía de Hoy interviews Alexander Blanco López, head of the Operations Management department

Operations Management is one of our most strategic departments. The magazine Energía de Hoy expressed interest in finding out how it works, its development and its operation. We’re sharing with you the interview that the magazine had with its Head of Department, Alexander Blanco López, in order to get a closer understanding of this area.

Alexander Blanco López is the Head of Operations Management at Genesal Energy. He studied Industrial Design in Ferrol and upon obtaining his post-graduate qualifications in the University of A Coruña he began working in Genesal Energy in January of 2007. Throughout these past 12 years, Blanco has grown professionally in the company. He is currently the Head of Operations Management, coordinating the interrelationship between the company’s different departments.

As you’ve made it known to the public, 2018 has been a very positive year for the company both in the international as well as the domestic market. What is Genesal Energy’s success based on?
From my point of view, our success is based on, above all, our versatility. In Genesal Energy we advise our customers, we assist them from the beginning because not only do we manufacture gensets, we also carry out “turnkey” projects which means we’re on top of everything during the whole process. We design and manufacture custom-made units, we take care of the installation, commissioning and subsequential maintenance works. I think that’s the key. While other big companies only manufacture, for us, the process starts when the client has an energy requirement and lets us know about it, and from that moment onwards we assist them, advising them and accompanying them at all times. Our link with the client doesn’t end in the factory. In reality, at Genesal Energy we’re really devoted to a comprehensive and highly personalised service. We don’t believe in the concept of mass production. Every sale the sales department closes we take on as a personalised project and a relationship of trust.

What perspective do you have for 2019?
We want to continue growing. 2018 was a very good year, the company took a great leap forward. For this reason our goals are centered around at least maintaining the levels achieved in the last fiscal year, where turnover grew 40% from 2017. The objective is to maintain these numbers, to consolidate them and to continue in the path of continuous and sustained growth.

This year you’ll be launching the new canopies by ranges. What will be their main features?
We’re finalizing the development of the first model of the new canopies so that the client, when they receive our gensets, perceive great quality. We’ve wanted to take it a step further and improve key aspects like utility and maintenance without them having an impact on the cost. The new canopies will adapt better to our our new production systems. In Genesal Energy we install different brands, both in the realm of engines and alternators and now, with this new generation of canopies, the sound attenuation of the gensets will improve and maintenance works will be simplified. This improvement has been promoted by the experience we’re acquiring not only in our own market, but also in other external markets where the requirement levels are higher, by taking note of this and trying to achieve excellence.

The development of products for the international market is without a doubt one of your strengths. Where does Genesal Energy operate exactly? Do you expect to expand this market short or medium term?
At Genesal Energy we carry out projects across the five continents and we have a magnificent relationship with big companies who develop projects worldwide and who we support. In this sense, the commercial department treats all our clients as if they were the only one, as they really are the ones who help to not only maintain us where we are, but also to improve and continue growing. It’s because of this that all throughout the month of January, a team of the Genesal Energy sales department travelled around the world to continue strengthening the relationships with clients and suppliers.

Offering a comprehensive service to your clients also contributes to the success of this company. What does this service entail?
We offer complete support to the client: telephone assistance, in situ, we visit their site, we take care of the set-up of the genset in any type of installation. We respond to any of their technical queries. On the other hand, once they’ve made a purchase order, we carry out a custom-made design, we manufacture the product, we carry out tests in our headquarters in Bergondo (100% of the manufactured units are tested before leaving the factory, at 110% of the load), we send over the genset, install it, and then we carry out another test in situ. We also offer our after-sales maintenance service throughout the whole lifespan of the genset.
At Genesal Energy, we don’t leave any part of the process on the sidelines. We’re aware of every detail, from the most basic elements to the genset’s maintenance works, both in the preventive and corrective sense. And if any fault should occur, we’re always there, implementing remote maintenance systems through which we know the status of the genset in real time and are made aware of any problems that could arise, carrying out the necessary preventive actions before a mains failure could occur and the genset is no longer working. We look for excellence for our customers, we know they make large investments in machinery that costs a lot of money, so we must guarantee their correct operation.

Source: Interempresas Media – Energía de hoy Magazine

Steps to choose the right generating set

Commissioning, the best security protocol for the generator sets

Genesal performs more than 600 commissioning processes every year, of which most are outside of Spain.

Making sure that oil, fuel and coolant levels are optimal, that the air inputs are correct or that the unit has arrived to its destination in the same conditions in which it left the factory, are just some of the technical protocol steps to be performed before the commissioning of any generator set, in a fully comprehensive and absolutely essential check-up coordinated by Genesal Energy’s Guillermo Docampo, thanks to an expertise acquired through 40 years of experience in the energy industry.

Since the founding of Genesal almost 25 years ago, Docampo and the rest of the engineers in the testing team know every unit that is designed and built in the factory inside and out, because their job is precisely that, making sure nothing fails, and making sure that the generator that a client purchases, which is created according to their specific needs, is in perfect conditions before definitively handing it over to the client. “Our service is akin to that of the MOT, we’re the ones that give the go-ahead”, he says.

Commissioning is, therefore, fundamental in order to avoid subsequent issues, to minimize and eliminate risks. While with standard generator sets– like those designed to provide power for a farm or a hotel – the steps prior to a successful start-up are relatively simple, in the case of special generators (nuclear plants, hospitals or combined-cycle plants, amongst other installations) the situation is completely different due to the nature of the unit.

While with standard units it’s quite normal for the After Sales department to assume this task – “a good instruction manual and some basic notions are, in most cases, enough”, the expert states – in the case of special generator sets, the protocol is different: “A Genesal team or a group of technicians that have received training by our staff always travel to the area”, Guillermo Docampo points out.

More than 40 countries

At a global scale, the number of commissioning processes performed by Genesal Energy exceeds 600 a year, which means an average of two a day, although the percentage varies greatly according to the world map. On a national level, 30% of Genesal Energy’s services include commissioning, however this percentage is much higher in the international market, where in countries like Peru they now represent 95%.

In reality, the nature of the generators that are sold outside of Spain (many of them special generators) explain thishigh number of commissioning processes. “It’s always convenient that the start-up and supervision processes are taken out by the manufacturing company because we and our service technicians know the product better than anyone”, says Docampo, who throughout his career has taken Genesal’s energy to more than 40 countries.

Columbia, Ecuador, South Africa, Ghana, Saudi Arabia, Georgia or Qatar are part of thewide client portfolio of the company, where the commissioning service always tends to be included.

Training courses

Without a doubt, training is a basic tool when it comes to commissioning processes, so that the supervision and control tasks that these check-ups require take place with total guarantee.

This way, Genesal provides an average of four courses a year in its headquarters in Bergondo (A Coruña), although its programmes also include training plans and sessions abroad, giving classes to the personnel that will be in contact with the generator set or will be in charge of its maintenance tasks.

“The courses are absolutely necessary in order to have a thorough knowledge of the unit and, therefore, to make sure that everything is okay. We need to guarantee the operation of the generators in times of emergency and in order to achieve this, a good maintenance of the unit is fundamental, which is why adequate training is needed”, Docampo highlights.

Transport & energy – key strategic undertakings for Genesal Energy in Mexico

Two combined cycle power plants – Emplame II in Sonora State, and Valle de Mexico in Acolman – are prime examples of the type of large scale projects which are in Genesal Energy’s agenda for delivery this year in Mexico. The gensets of these two mega-projects by the Mexican Government, have been designed and manufactured almost 10,000 kilometres way in Spain, home of Genesal Energy, a company dedicated to the distributed energy sector, and responsible for exporting the “brand “globally.

GEN2000HC – Empalme II                                   GEN2178TC – Valle México

The numbers tell the true story of Genesal Energy’s international focus and growth: their products can be found in over 30 countries in 5 continents, with exports accounting for 65% of all production. Branches are integrated into Peru, Panama whilst business began in Mexico in 2009 leading to a recognition of the long-term potential of the region, and subsequently a branch office operational since 2014 in central Mexico City. Genesal in Mexico has established a strong presence in the principal business and industrial regions of the capital itself, as well as Monterrey, Leon and Guadalajara, in what is Latin America’s third biggest country.

In the last few years Genesal have been involved in more than 10 major projects and success stories including large scale public works such as the cogeneration power plant in Afranrent, the first submerged transport tunnel in Latin America (Coatzacoalcos) and even the new airport in Mexico City. Today Genesal supplies multinationals, the government and small businesses around the country. “Mexico had to be a leading player in our international expansion. It offers many possibilities.” Explained Iago Crespo, General Manager Mexico for Genesal Energy.


GEN1719HC –  Afranrent Plant                             GEN2407H – Tunnel Coatzacoalcos

The company, whose growth continues unabated in this central American region, and that has doubled their turnover in 3 years, is now setting its sights on the energy and transport industries, sectors with enormous potential for business, especially with the commencement of the energy reforms carried out by the government.

“In the past, resources were in the hands of state-controlled companies, but procedures have changed, there is less bureaucracy, and more options,” explains Crespo, who confirms that the Mexican client is demanding in terms of timings and prices “and above all in the service expected.”

Innovation and on-demand service

Without doubt, one of the secrets of Genesal Energy’s success in the international market has been their ability to quickly adapt. Through their constant innovation, and high-level engineering, a very personalised service can also be noted, added value in Mexico which does not go unnoticed. “The difference is in our comprehensive service, quality and flexibility.” points out Crespo, “When we turn up we focus on supply, installation and maintenance, but more and more our clients insist we act more comprehensively, offering for example complete genset packages.”

Genesal Energy Technical Support Services grows 40% in genset maintenance in just 1 year.

Here at GENESAL ENERGY we believe that customer service does not stop when we close the sale of a product, on the contrary, it is when the sale has been made that the real work begins in terms of building customer loyalty. And that is done through efficiency, quality and building trust. Putting together and designing a maintenance program based on the individual clients needs whether for large fleets or individual genset units, is the hallmark of our Technical Support Services (SAT in Spanish). In the last few years our growth in this business unit has been spectacular, in many ways an occurrence brought on by clients who continuously demand more and better from Tech Support.


GENESAL ENERGY Tech Support (SAT), activities are based around maintenance, installation and the repair of generating sets, offering a very specialised level of attention by highly qualified professionals. Our objective is to ensure your product has the longest most efficient life span possible.

“Those who choose to invest our maintenance services are basing their choice on reliability, but also in trust, and peace of mind” assures Marga Gonzalez, director of GENESAL ENERGY Technical Support Services. She goes on to say that 40% growth in maintenance services for gensets in just 1 year clearly demonstrates an evolutionary market. Customer are more demanding than ever, and GENESAL ENERGY has taken up the gauntlet.

Our after sales support, is made up of almost 30 professionals, and is most definitely added value for the company, a part of our operation which carefully adapts to the supply/demand factors of the market offering solutions, services and adapted products, or in one word personalised. The GENESAL ENERGY Technical Support Service offers a wide range of solutions including three key areas of maintenance – corrective, preventative and predictive.

  • Corrective Maintenance – Solutions for breakdowns which depending on their origin (mechanical, electrical or electronical) cause operational malfunctions, which can even leave a genset out of service, which can potentially be a grave situation for the end user.
  • Preventative Maintenance – These services are adapted to the type of operation the genset is destined for, either PRP or ESP. The maintenance is adapted to the amount of usage given to the genset and may consist of annual technical inspections, supervision and virtual control amongst others. It also includes updating maintenance and improvements. In these cases, gensets are adapted to the changing circumstances in the customer’s needs (new alarms, config changes, control panel changes etc).
  • Predictive Maintenance: This entails personalised support over the phone and remote management, meaning Genesal Energy is your global reference at home and abroad when it comes to detecting potential breakdowns or faults in gensets worldwide using fixed or mobile wifi connections. Also as any necessary changes to the genset are carried out by remote management systems, the time spent on preventative maintenance is considerably shortened.

24/7 Support

Remote Control Systems fall in to the category of things that differentiates GENESAL ENERGY, and so does our ability to respond to our clients 24/7 throughout the entire year, offering non-stop high quality technical assistance.

Additionally, our dedication to R&D through our sector unique Technological Centre for Distributed Energy (CETED in Spanish), has not only consolidated our position as a market leader in our field, but its ongoing work compels us to be better with each project we do, to be better in every department and also in every new line of business.

In-House Technical Services

It is by being different that our Technical Support Services (SAT), can offer the highest levels of service: personalised solutions, our own high-powered load banks (unique in Spain), and of course a team of first class technical experts.

“In Genesal we have our own in house technical support services, something which distinguishes us from other companies in the sector”, indicated Marga, who also highlights the importance of being able to count on in-house experts who can intervene in any incident. She also went on to say, “Our team always have the support of the main factory, meaning our clients are covered at all times, something which is fundamental for us to offer the best service possible.”

The possibility to channel the incident, emit a diagnosis and repair the incident from Genesal Energy in record time without using external assistance is yet more added value from our after sales service. Why? Because it transmits reliability and trust, an essential value when discussing emergency generator sets where the solution process must be reliable and safe, but also quick.

Turnkey solutions are another service intimately connected to the efficiency offered by Technical Support Services. “We undertake the entire commissioning process of generators. From start to finish, full circle.” Marga tells us, who goes on to say that they have a specialist mobile team that can travel to the gensets on-site location to study and evaluate the distinct possibilities of an installation.

With the aim of guaranteeing a quick and immediate response anywhere in the country, GENESAL can also count on approx. 10 official technical services spread around Spain, covering the entire territory. “They are all highly capable professionals, who understand all the products leaving our factory to perfection.” The director reminds us.

Ongoing Training

One of the pillars of the Technical Support Services division, as with other departments in the company, is continuous training. The majority of this takes place in GENESAL’s very own inhouse training centre, allowing our own technicians and our external official support services to participate in all manners of professional development.

Knowledge and constant innovation are without doubt the correct path to follow to offer our clients the best and most impeccable attention possible combined with the best services.

GENESAL ENERGY in Northwest Spain begins conversion to a “Smart Factory”


The investment, co-financed with EU funds amounts to 2 million Euros.

GENESEAL ENERGY, specialist in the design, manufacture and distribution of generator sets, will soon create their first intelligent factory at their head office in Bergondo’s industrial zone near the city of A Coruna in Northwest Spain. Their 6,000 SQ/M home is to be converted in to an Industry 4.0 factory (a Smart Factory): Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) for parts supply, “Additive Manufacturing” techniques and robotised services. The overall aim is to take GENESAL, an already well recognised brand in energy supply and increase its competitiveness and sustainability.

Genesal Energy will join the list of companies that are forming a part of the 4th Industrial Revolution, which permits improvements in all the phases of manufacturing. The Smart Factory concept helps to save energy and raw materials during processes, such as improving worker efficiency and maximising their effectiveness, and also applying sustainable technologies with energy recuperation techniques.

This project will be possible thanks to a 2 million Euro investment and has received financial support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Industrial Technological Development Centre (CDTI in Spanish), an organism under the auspices of Spain’s Ministry for the Economy and Competitivity. The conversion to a Smart Factory will happen over the next 6 years, finalising in 2023.

Better adaptability to the needs of the company, and a better resource management are just two of Genesal Energy’s objectives, whose overall strategy is based on 3 pillars: industry, internationalisation and innovation.

The denominated Smart Factories are capable of processing enormous databases to obtain maximum efficiency through the ability to connect people, devices and machines. It is also characterised by its ability to increase the rate of digitalisation in the different phases of the manufacturing process, and as a result obtaining higher standards of process control and quality.

‘Collaborative’ Robots

The arrival of industrial robots to their Spanish head office and factory, means that the workforce of over 60 people and the robots will work together to attain the highest levels of quality and efficiency. The robots will be collaborative, having been designed to support the employees in their daily tasks.

The introduction of Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques will clearly mark a before and after in the company’s production line. AM technologies permits the easy acquirement of key parts with specially adapted characteristics and a very high precision level, while improving the time required in the design and manufacturing process.

Since 2016 Genesal Energy has operated their Technological Centre for Distributed Energy (CETED) from their Spanish head office. CETED was recently recognised for their award in the category of Technical Innovation by the regional School of Engineers.

Now with the jump to Industry 4.0, Genesal reinforces its commitment in the field of R&D, an ongoing key part of the groups mission since its founding and a key reason why they are leaders in their field; developing cutting edge technology and in-house solutions of the highest quality and efficiency.

Celebrating our Galician Industry award on a virtual “Evening with Industry”


The illustrious school of industrial engineers recognises Genesal’s CETED contribution to R&D&i in Galicia.

Through its dedication to investigation and contribution to the industrial fabric of Galicia, our Technological Centre for Distributed Energy (CETED in Spanish), was awarded this past 6th of October in the city of Pontevedra with the Galician Industrial Prize in the category of innovation. The award was presented by the Galician School of Industrial Engineers in collaboration with the Association of Industrial Engineers. The award was presented during the second edition of an “Evening with Industry”.

Innovation Director Alberto Docampo, had the honour of receiving this prestigious award during a very entertaining evening which was a demonstration of new technologies from start to finish. In fact, you could say, Alberto received the award in two parallel universes at the same time. How? Well, in the real world of course, and thanks to virtual eyewear from the creative director of Maxina, Carlos Seijo, he also received the award in the virtual world.

After this more than original way to present an award, Alberto took the opportunity to thank the entire Genesal team of staff, and during his speech he also reminded the audience the importance of the role played by the Genesal R&D&I department, and that they are a key ingredient of the firms’ DNA.

The presentation was also an opportunity for the dean of the School of Engineers, Oriol Sarmiento to highlight the importance of industry especially “the quality and high level of all of the candidatures” presented.

An engineering centre, a training facility, bench testing areas, and a rain laboratory (the biggest in Europe) are just some of the characteristics of CETED which were evaluated by the jury when deciding upon the Galician Industrial Awards.