Tag Archive for: grupos electrógenos

Gas generator in natural environment

We bring our energy to the Montseny Natural Park, World Biosphere Reserve

The southernmost fir forest in Europe is located in the Montseny Natural Park (Barcelona), declared a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1978.

A privileged environment that extends over more than 30,000 hectares. There, in the heart of nature, you can find holiday camps & farmhouses where vulnerable families’ children can enjoy unforgettable summers in a film-like area.

The challenge: installing a generating set in a protected place

Genesal Energy has provided emergency power to guarantee the electricity supply in one of these holiday homes located in Sant Pere de Vilamajor. In such a special and protected place, from an environmental point of view, the care taken when developing the project was of the utmost importance.

Gas generator in natural environment

Genesal Energy’s engineering department paid utmost attention to the location of the generator set, which had to operate in a natural park protected by UNESCO. So, from the very beginning one of the objectives was to reduce the acoustic and visual impact of the generator set so as not to spoil the beauty of the site.

The project included the installation of a gas generator, which is more environmentally friendly in terms of CO2 emissions than a diesel generator. The generator set was manufactured in a soundproof cabin to lower the noise levels of the machine as much as possible.

Technical Data

These are its main features:

  • LPG gas engine.
  • Alternator with auxiliary winding.
  • No fuel tank on the base frame, which functions as a tray for liquid collection.

Genesal Energy consolidates its growth

The company expands its headquarters by 3,000 square meters in order to increase its production capacity.

Genesal consolida su crecimiento en 2019

Genesal Energy consolidates its growth in order to tackle a 2020 full of projects in Spain and in the demanding international market

The company continues its international expansion in strategic sectors and countries with personalized customer service as well as services like the Technical Assistance Service

Power plants, electric substations, DPCs, hospitals, airports, food and telecommunication sectors. Genesal Energy is present in all of these industries thanks to the versatility and high specialization of its equipment. With more than 25 years’ experience (this year the Galician company celebrates its anniversary) and with branch offices in Mexico and Peru, the company is closing 2019 with constant and controlled growth and with its mind on a new year full of projects. Because Genesal Energy’s objective is to continue growing internationally with a presence in new markets like the Asian giant Taiwan, but also nationally by increasing its production capacity with new installations adding up to 3,300 square meters at its central headquarters in Bergondo (province of A Coruña).

Here are some success stories and challenges for the future.

New rental product lines:

The search for new lines of business within an increasingly competitive market is one of Genesal’s commitments, and the rental line, with some excellent results at the end of the first year of its launch by the company is an excellent example. Reliability and robustness define these gensets destined for the rental market. Following the success of this product line and the official presentation in Mexico, where four generators were subsequently delivered, the company will continue its commitment to these rental products throughout the 2020 fiscal year. They are special products, custom made so as to make maintenance easier, and fitted with state of the art GPS systems for their immediate geolocation in case of theft.

Emergency energy for large health centers: Toledo Hospital (Spain) and Montero Hospital (Bolivia)

Electricity is vital in hospitals and its absence can have fatal consequences, which is why it is necessary to have state-of-the-art emergency generator systems. Among the projects carried out by Genesal in 2019, a special mention should be given to the supplying of four generators to the new hospital in Toledo which will open in the first semester of the year. They are four generators of 2250 and 2500 kVA which will function in parallel. Outside Spain, Genesal Energy offers a turnkey service to Montero Hospital (Bolivia): three 410-450 kVA generators, which are soundproof, one of them automatic, the other two in parallel with the air outlet on the upper side in order to fit in with the installation.

Gaining ground in the wind energy sector: from Los Llanos to Monte Cristi

This year Genesal has strengthened its presence in the field of renewable energy with a good number of wind farms in its portfolio. For example, in 2019, the company supplied emergency equipment for the substations in Oriche and Venta Vieja, in the province of Teruel, Montilla del Palancar (province of Cuenca) and in Serra das Penas (province of Lugo), and also for the wind farm in Los Llanos (province of Málaga), an installation for which we manufactured and delivered turnkey equipment. Internationally, we delivered a 100% personalized generator for the wind farm in Monte Cristi (Dominican Republic), whereas for the Agua Clara wind farm on the same Caribbean island, Genesal’s Engineering Department designed and manufactured a hurricane-proof generator for the whole park, which has 25 air generators, supplying power for 250,000 persons.

Biomass plants: the Viseu and Fundão stations

In Portugal there are two stations considered prime examples in the production of clean and renewable energy. They are the biomass plants located in Viseu and Fundão, repectively. Genesal installed special tailor-made equipment in both of these facilities.

More projects in Mexico: the combined-cycle power facility Topolobampo III

Genesal Energy’s strong presence in Mexico results in numerous projects, some of which are on a very large scale. Such is the case of the Topolobampo III combined-cycle power facility, whose founding in the municipality of Ahome was encouraged by the Mexican Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), and which will supply power to more than 2.5 million people. It will start operating in 2020 and the emergency power for it will be supplied by Genesal.

Tailor-made generators for the Saudi Embassy in Chad

The embassy of Saudi Arabia in Chad also uses emergency power from this Spanish brand. Concretely, the order consisted of three sets of tailor-made generators of two different powers: of 2 x 1.000/1.100 (ojo, en español, también está mal, sobra un 0) kVA, 2 x 1.500/1.650 kVA and 2 x 25-27 kVA respectively, supposed to work in parallel.

Bigger presence in Asia: entry into Taiwan

The growth witnessed in Southeast Asia over the last two years was strengthened in 2019 with the addition of a new market: Taiwan. Said country is one of the most powerful economies in the world and Genesal entered its market through several projects. In total, we have supplied the Government 13 generators. It’s our aim to continue to expand the market with new operations.

New year, new challenges

The good results obtained in the 2019 fiscal year, which has seen a constant growth, induces optimism once again. The company, after 25 years of presence in the energy sector, has now grown up and expanded its central installations in Bergondo (province of A Coruña) by 3000 square meters. The new space is meant to provide the necessary production capacity in order to tackle the new challenges by an orderly growth, given that Genesal Energy’s main aim is always the customer, who should never feel unsupported, the company states.

An example of this commitment to close attention and personalized projects -a hallmark of our company- is the boost received by the Technical Assistance Service (SAT) Department -now an indisputable benchmark in matters of remote management and multi-branding- a section which is closing the year with a steady growth and the modernization of its vehicle fleet, a process which takes into account the latest developments in ergonomics.

As far as the expansion plans are concerned, Genesal Energy will maintain its international vocation. In this regard, although Europe and Latin America are its main markets, the company pays very special attention to others, such as Qatar and Taiwan, as well as the African market, a real challenge for the energy sector.


Get to know our 2019 projects

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Remote management, added value in Genesal Energy’s Technical Support Service

Remote management and SAT

Our Technical Support Service closed 2019 with sustained growth and the modernization of its vehicle fleet, which incorporates the latest ergonomic improvements.

Guaranteeing the reliability of our gensets and offering the best customer service are the pillars of Genesal Energy’s Techical Support Service, which in the last years has grown spectacularly. Our Technical Support Service is our maintenance, installation and reparation service which offers specialized attention with a clear objective: to achieve the best performance of the equipment to fully comply with the client’s needs.

“We’re a reference company when it comes to remote management and multi-brand service”, Marga González, Technical Support Manager, explains, adding that predictive maintenance (remote management and supervision system) has turned the Galician company in a reference company, both nationally and internationally, in the detection of possible breakdowns as well as the status of any unit through a stationary or mobile internet connection. Adjustments are also carried out remotely, impacting action time directly “as it is reduced considerably”, the area manager points out.

Comfort and security

More than 30 professionals form this business line which last year closed its accounts with a sustained growth in maintenance and has modernized its vehicle fleet through the incorporation of the market’s latest ergonomic improvements in order to avoid staff fatigue and make their job more comfortable. “We don’t consider it an expense, but an investment in quality for the peace of mind of our clients and employees. It’s a win-win”, says Marga González.

Their own load banks and a 24 hour service are the hallmark of Genesal Energy’s Technical Support Service. “Knowledge and innovation allow us to provide exclusive and personalized solutions, tailor-made for our clients”, says González.

Case Studies

The update of four gensets for an important television network has been one of Genesal Energy’s Technical Support Service’s latest projects. In this case, the existing controllers for parallel operation were substituted for three state-of-the-art control panels, and new circuit breakers were installed.

Our Technical Support team also carried out the update of the genset fleet of the substations of an important global electrical company in order to carry out predictive maintenance works. For this project, the substitution of more that 30 control panels, communication cards, pressure, temperature and fuel sensors were carried out in record time in order to comply with the client’s needs.

Another succesful project consisted in the study of the Modbus mapping of the genset fleet of an important telecommunications company to integrate the predictive maintenance of its units into its management and remote control system. For its execution, Genesal Energy analyzed almost a hundred mappings according to the features of each piece of equipment, their operation, environmental factors, climate…

Find out more about our maintenance service

We’ve reinforced our presence in Asia through a new market: Taiwan, the ever-expanding Asian Tiger

We designed an ‘anti-hurricane’ generator set for a great wind farm in the Dominican Republic

In a generator set, reliability is key

We’re in Austria, the demanding Central European market

Estamos en Austria, el exigente mercado centroeuropeo; Grupo electrógeno de 100-110 kVA destinado a instalarse sobre remolque en Austria, para el parque de grupos de una importante empresa de telecomunicaciones.