Dual frequency and dual voltage gensets for an international construction company

We designed 11 gensets for three combined-cycle power plants in Bolivia that will increase the electric power in the country by 50%

We designed a generator set for one of multinational company DSV’s centres in Sweden, prepared to operate in the extreme cold

We installed generator sets in the Quito Sur Hospital in Ecuador

Ecuador’s Government installs Genesal Energy generator sets in the Quito Sur Hospital, the largest and most modern hospital in the country

Covering almost 90,000 sq./m, costing 226 Million US dollars, and fully operational since December 2017, Ecuador’s largest and most up to date hospital has been built in South Quito, the capital.

Covering almost 90,000 sq./m, costing 226 Million US dollars, and fully operational since December 2017, Ecuador’s largest and most up to date hospital has been built in South Quito, the capital.

The project commissioned by the Ecuadorian national health service (IESS), is today a reality, and benefitting the residents of south Quito, in the El Recreo district. This publicly owned hospital with over 400 beds and 50 consultation areas, employs 1800 people. Each one of the 5 buildings within the complex contains a Genesal Energy emergency power genset.

Power cuts in hospitals can lead to critical situations for patients and the doctors and nurses that care for them. It is obviously vital that these types of buildings can continue to function and must not be brought to a standstill.

The high consequences of a power cut mean it is essential to install back up systems that will continue to supply electricity to all the systems, ensuring the medical teams and doctors can continue their work ensuring that patients continue to receive healthcare.


Due to the risks presented by a power cut the client required a solution that would incorporate gensets with automatic start-up (AMF). GENESAL ENERGY designed six generator sets with different voltages and power ratings, to meet the clients needs in relation to the different load requirements for each building. The objective; a guaranteed power supply in the event of a mains failure permitting the hospital to carry on as normal.


The gensets supplied can give the necessary power at an altitude of 2,800M above sea level, bearing in mind that at this altitude there is less oxygen in the air, meaning the gensets mist work harder.

Additionally the solution had to account for the need to install gensets that would not cause noise contamination, and for this reason soundproofed gensets were supplied with the exhaust system at the top of the canopy.


Characteristics common to all the gensets:

• Top canopy exhaust system

• Automatic fuel transfer from external fuel tanks

• Pre-heating resistance included

• Automatic start-up due to mains failure

• Ethernet connection

• PMG excitation system

Genesal Energy has supplied an emergency genset for the combined cycle power plant (CCPP) known as Empalme II, a huge engineering project in the Sonora State of Mexico.

Emergency Power for the Saudi Arabian embassies in Ghana, Cameroon, Niger and Zambia


Design and manufacture of emergency back-up gensets for the Saudi Arabian embassies situated in Ghana, Cameroon, Niger and Zambia, ensuring they will continue to have electricity in the event of a power cut in the mains grid supply.


The first stage in partnership with the construction firm responsible for building the embassies was a rethink to ensure that the gensets were adequately installed according to their characteristics.

The final design was completed, followed by the acquisition of the required materials to ensure the production deadline was met. Finally, the gensets (both mechanical and electrical parts) were built, culminating in testing for approved standards certificates in conjunction with the consultant responsible for design approval and signing off on the delivery.

A total of 20 gensets have successfully been installed: four in Ghana, five each in Niger and Cameroon, and a total of six gensets in Zambia. Although the gensets appear to be very similar, they were configured differently in each room where they have been installed, depending on the position of the fuel tank as well as the accompanying cables.

This also included the need for adequate busbars for the fitting of the power cables to the gensets. Each embassy now has a set of gensets giving back up support to the main on-site buildings. Regarding the genset operational setting, depending on the embassy, this could entail running in parallel between the gensets. It also permits added power output or redundancy, useful where if one genset fails, the others or another will take up the load demand. The project was completed with individual gensets installed in to the underground bunker found in each compound.



  • Emergency Power: 7 x 1100kVA / 2 x 2200 kVA / 8 x 27 kVA / 3 x 1400 kVA
  • Voltage: 400/230V
  • Frequency: 50 Hz
  • RPM: 1500