GENESAL ENERGY strengthen its Genset Business Days with a new event in Mexico City

Jornadas México aula

After the inauguration of the GENESAL ENERGY TRAINING CENTER, we move the “GENESAL ENERGY gensets business days” to Mexico City, with the support of our branch in the country, BAUER GT MEXICO.

People from a total of 30 companies, from different areas as construction, engineering, electric installation… And interested in our power generation solutions and knowing how to select the right generator for each application, were present in this event, which was given by our Chief Export Officer, Mr. Juan Yañez, and Iago Crespo, Bauer GT Mexico General Manager.

All the people attending remark the necessity of this kind of actions to help and support the professionals of the Mexican energy sector.

If you would like to know when and where we are going to organize the next business days, please send us an e-mail or follow us in our social media.

Francisco Conde, regional minister of Economy, Employment and Industry, visited the GENESAL ENERGY facilities due to the inauguration of its technology center.


The regional minister, Francisco Conde, and the municipal corporation of Bergondo, pose with the Genesal Energy factory staff

The regional minister of Economy, Employment and Industry, Francisco Conde, visited the Genesal Energy facilities sited in the industrial park of Bergondo (A Coruña, Spain). The minister was welcomed by Fernando Cueto, managing director, and the rest of the board members of the company.

Genesal Energy is an industrial group dedicated to the distributed energy sector, with international presence, and a total focus and commitment on being the most technological in the field. With this in mind, the Technology Center for Distributed Energy (CETED® in Spanish) was opened this Wednesday. The CETED®, of independent and private initiative and the only one on its sector, was born to focus all the R&D&I effort made by Genesal Energy after the success of several innovation projects, and under the necessity of developing more effective R&D&I policies.

The regional minister, during its tour, has known from firsthand the differents business arear in which Genesal Energy is involved, from the design, manufacturing and commercialization of the gensets (standard units as well as special projects with a high degree of engineering and totally customised), to the technical support and after-sales service that this equipment need.

During this event, we also had the presence of the Mayor of Bergondo, Alejandra Pérez, and the municipal corporation.


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For the fourth year in a row, GENESAL ENERGY participated in the Middle East Electricity, one of the biggest trade shows in electricity field around the world, which receives more than 22.000 visitors each year, and the reference for the electricity sector in the GCC countries.

In our stand we received customers and collaborators form countries such as United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Ethiopia… which has strengthen our international focus, our positioning as a quality manufacturer and reinforcing our relations with our previous customers as well as with new ones.

This action was supported by Xunta de Galicia, IGAPE, European Union and FEDER.


Due to our commitment with this region, GENESAL ENERGY is operating in the GCC area with its own branch since 2015, located in the Dubai South Complex.

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Dubai South Complex




GENESAL ENERGY opens in its facilities in Bergondo, the Genesal Energy Training Center, a training facility to give technical qualification courses for its own employees and authorized dealers, as well as customers that need training to operate and maintain power generators.

During this week, the first training program in operations and maintenance will take place with the presence of technical professionals from Panama, Chile, Portugal and Spain. The objective of this course is to introduce the new tools available for to improve the maintenance operations, both corrective and preventive.

As a plus, our students will be able to know the facilities of the GENESAL ENERGY Group, the Genesal Energy factory, where our top quality generators are design and manufacture, the CETED (Distributed Energy Tech Center) where the R+D+i and special engineering takes place, and also the after-sales department.


Premios Galicia de Energía (eng)

GENESAL ENERGY has been awarded for the best innovation project at the Galicia Energia Awards for its Hybrid Microgeneration project. This awards are organized by the Galician Industrial Engineers Association (AIIG) in collaboration with the Official Industrial Enginners Association of Galica (ICOIIG). These awards recognized the most prominent companies and people from Galicia over the last year in the energy field.

The Hybrid Microgeneration project consist in generating set especially design for the electrical supply in isolated areas where there is no mains available, combining different renewable energy sources, like wind and solar, and a battery system to store the surplus, for a reliable, efficient and eco-friendly solution.



GENESAL ENERGY will receive this award during the Noite da Enerxía event, next March 4th.




Logo feria stand (eng)One more year, GENESAL ENERGY will be present with a stand in one of the most important events about the electric industry of the world, organized in the Dubai World Trade Centre.

During the three days of the exhibition, more than 1,600 exhibitors from all over the world will introduce their products and services to more than 22,000 visitors.

With this year participation, GENESAL ENERGY consolidates its presence in the Middle-East, one of the biggest growing markets of the world, and the one selected to open our last branch until this day.

We will wait for you at our stand S3E49, during the days 1, 2 and 3 of March, to introduce our new products and projects.




Genesal Energy has been awarded this Wednesday, January 13th in the “RSE awards” organized by the regional government of Galicia. These awards recognize those initiatives and good practices carried out by the Galician companies in the field of corporate social responsibility.

In case of Genesal Energy, our efforts to carry out a business initiative to implement the concept of social responsibility and our focus on reducing the environmental impact of our activities, have lead us to receive the RSE adward in the  environmental category.

The act of official presentation of awards to the winning companies will be held on January 28TH.

Source: Xunta de Galicia


GENESAL ENERGY participates in the OG+ project

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GENESAL ENERGY participates in the OG+ project, an R&D project aiming to design and validate an innovative power generation system to develop 100% renewable off-grid systems. The system will allow to connect different electric and thermal generation and storage units in a simple way. It can be adapted to each bespoken consumer and allow them to go off-grid.

The OG+ project is leaded by the company Norvento, in collaboration with the companies Elinsa and Isotrol.

The OG+ system will be tested and validated in the new Norvento Enerxía Innovation Centre that Norvento is building in Lugo, Spain. A building with great architectural value that will become a reference for sustainable buildings.

The implementation of the project will last until the end of 2017 and will mean an investment of over €3.3 million.

The project has been subsidized by the Spanish Centre for the Industrial Technology Development (CDTI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), so it was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. It has been one of the projects chosen by CDTI in the last edition of the programme INNTERCONECTA.
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GENESAL ENERGY renews its commitment with the UN Global Compact and its Ten Principles.

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GENESAL ENERGY has been, since its establishment, a company concerned with the environment, and to demonstrate this, it started in 2010 its activities in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) with the implementation of the Environmental Management System certificated by ISO 14001. Since that day, and following our commintment with the planet, we continued working on this matter, and on 2012 we  joined the UN Global CompactThis pact is the biggest volunteer corporate social responsibility iniciative of the planet and it makes a practical framework to develop, introduce and communicate policies and practicies of corporate social reponsibility.

The Global Compact promotes the implementation of Ten Principles universally accepted to promote the corporate social responsibility in the fields of Human Rights, Labour Regulations, Environment protection and Fight against Corruption, in all activities and business strategies of the companies. To achieve these, from GENESAL ENERGY we periodically make a CSR report on which we detailled our advances on this fields, and that is presented to the UN for validation.

Since the implementation of the GENESAL ENERGY Ethics Code, that articulates and complements our social commitment with the Ten Principles, this company has always cared for its compliance, involving all the staff, and other stakeholders. In addition to that, we continue to work and develop products  with less and less impact on our environment.

For all of this, GENESAL ENERGY has renewed the commitment with the UN Global Compact and its Ten Principles, in which:

  • GENESAL ENERGY supports the UN Global Compact an its Ten Principles.
  • GENESAL ENERGY respects and protects the Human Rights Declaration.
  • GENESAL ENERGY supports the elimination of any kind of forced labour.
  • GENESAL ENERGY supports and works for the development and dissemination of more eco-friendly new technologies.
  • GENESAL ENERGY is actively involved in the fight against corruption.

With the renewal of our commitment with the UN Global Compact, we continue working, not only in providing energy to any place in the world, also to achieve that our work leaves the less impact possible on our environment and the inhabitants of the planet.

TV interview with Fernando Cueto, managing director of Genesal Energy

Last sunday the 11th, Fernando Cueto, managing director of GENESAL ENERGY, was interviewed on VTelevision’s “Cosa de dos”, program about the leading companies of Galicia and their managers.

Throughout the interview, Mr. Cueto summarizes the beginning of the company, the most important projects, and the future challenges for Genesal Energy.