Turnkey power to reinforce the security of a data center in Tenerife

Extremely reliable and with no room for error. That’s how generators must be in Data Processing Centers (DPC) or Data Centers, facilities dedicated to housing complex, high capacity computer systems, where a power failure or interruption in mains supply can turn into a catastrophe and generate enormous losses.

Emergency generator sets have an essential mission in these facilities: they are the best security guarantee, the necessary prevention system to avoid endangering all the information contained inside the Data Centers. At Genesal Energy we’ve been supplying this kind of generator sets for many years, units which have to be completely special (for example, it’s important to carefully select the engine and alternator to achieve optimal performance without oversizing them excessively). For this reason, because they have very particular characteristics, at Genesal Energy we design them made-to-measure, according to the client’s requirements and always after analyzing the characteristics of the space in which they must operate.

We’re experts in supplying turnkey and bespoke solutions: we take care of the entire process, from start to finish: from the design and manufacture to the transport, installation along with the processing of all necessary permits, setup of auxiliary elements (fuel, chimneys, etc.), commissioning and maintenance. We offer all services in one.

One of our latest projects of this kind has taken us to the Canary Islands, specifically to Tenerife, where we installed two generator sets for a DPC in Majuelos. They are two 500 kVA soundproof generator sets with a redundant parallel synchronization system.

The Data Center needed to grow, and in this expansion stage it incorporated new 5G communication systems into its installations. These systems require a greater consumption, and as such, there was a need to increase emergency power supply so that, if ever a voltage failure were to occur, the center could continue operating as normal. Our engineers’ solution consisted in two 500 kVA generator sets in parallel with a double-walled 2.000L fuel tank.

Once the manufacturing process had come to a close, at Genesal Energy, as is usual in these cases, we took care of the logistics and, before carrying out the transport, we managed all required arrangements with the administration entities involved. Due to the location of the Data Center and the characteristics and size of the generator sets as well as their location on the roof of the building, it was also necessary to cut off public access, and so we achieved the necessary permits.

  • WHERE:



    Customized and turnkey solution to provide power to a DPC.

Our engineers’ solution:

  • Both gensets operate in parallel with eachother through the efficient management of the system and will start up via a free contact provided by the client when a mains failure occurs. Both units will synchronize and take the load.
  • If the total load is under 70% the power rating of one of the gensets, one of them will disconnect so that only one powers the loads.
  • If the total load is above 70%, the disconnected genset will start up, commencing synchronization with the operating genset.

Thus, the startup of both gensets will alternate depending on operating hours according to a configurable parameter in the control panel so that, if there is a difference in operating hours between both gensets, the one with least hours will remain operating in the case that the load doesn’t surpass 70%.


  • Two symmetrical generator sets to visualize the control panel of both at once.
  • A 2000L fuel tank which supplies both gensets.
  • Two generator sets with synchronization panel.
  • C5 paint treatment.

Discover more of Genesal Energy’s projects