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Energía de Hoy interviews Alexander Blanco López, head of the Operations Management department

Operations Management is one of our most strategic departments. The magazine Energía de Hoy expressed interest in finding out how it works, its development and its operation. We’re sharing with you the interview that the magazine had with its Head of Department, Alexander Blanco López, in order to get a closer understanding of this area.

Alexander Blanco López is the Head of Operations Management at Genesal Energy. He studied Industrial Design in Ferrol and upon obtaining his post-graduate qualifications in the University of A Coruña he began working in Genesal Energy in January of 2007. Throughout these past 12 years, Blanco has grown professionally in the company. He is currently the Head of Operations Management, coordinating the interrelationship between the company’s different departments.

As you’ve made it known to the public, 2018 has been a very positive year for the company both in the international as well as the domestic market. What is Genesal Energy’s success based on?
From my point of view, our success is based on, above all, our versatility. In Genesal Energy we advise our customers, we assist them from the beginning because not only do we manufacture gensets, we also carry out “turnkey” projects which means we’re on top of everything during the whole process. We design and manufacture custom-made units, we take care of the installation, commissioning and subsequential maintenance works. I think that’s the key. While other big companies only manufacture, for us, the process starts when the client has an energy requirement and lets us know about it, and from that moment onwards we assist them, advising them and accompanying them at all times. Our link with the client doesn’t end in the factory. In reality, at Genesal Energy we’re really devoted to a comprehensive and highly personalised service. We don’t believe in the concept of mass production. Every sale the sales department closes we take on as a personalised project and a relationship of trust.

What perspective do you have for 2019?
We want to continue growing. 2018 was a very good year, the company took a great leap forward. For this reason our goals are centered around at least maintaining the levels achieved in the last fiscal year, where turnover grew 40% from 2017. The objective is to maintain these numbers, to consolidate them and to continue in the path of continuous and sustained growth.

This year you’ll be launching the new canopies by ranges. What will be their main features?
We’re finalizing the development of the first model of the new canopies so that the client, when they receive our gensets, perceive great quality. We’ve wanted to take it a step further and improve key aspects like utility and maintenance without them having an impact on the cost. The new canopies will adapt better to our our new production systems. In Genesal Energy we install different brands, both in the realm of engines and alternators and now, with this new generation of canopies, the sound attenuation of the gensets will improve and maintenance works will be simplified. This improvement has been promoted by the experience we’re acquiring not only in our own market, but also in other external markets where the requirement levels are higher, by taking note of this and trying to achieve excellence.

The development of products for the international market is without a doubt one of your strengths. Where does Genesal Energy operate exactly? Do you expect to expand this market short or medium term?
At Genesal Energy we carry out projects across the five continents and we have a magnificent relationship with big companies who develop projects worldwide and who we support. In this sense, the commercial department treats all our clients as if they were the only one, as they really are the ones who help to not only maintain us where we are, but also to improve and continue growing. It’s because of this that all throughout the month of January, a team of the Genesal Energy sales department travelled around the world to continue strengthening the relationships with clients and suppliers.

Offering a comprehensive service to your clients also contributes to the success of this company. What does this service entail?
We offer complete support to the client: telephone assistance, in situ, we visit their site, we take care of the set-up of the genset in any type of installation. We respond to any of their technical queries. On the other hand, once they’ve made a purchase order, we carry out a custom-made design, we manufacture the product, we carry out tests in our headquarters in Bergondo (100% of the manufactured units are tested before leaving the factory, at 110% of the load), we send over the genset, install it, and then we carry out another test in situ. We also offer our after-sales maintenance service throughout the whole lifespan of the genset.
At Genesal Energy, we don’t leave any part of the process on the sidelines. We’re aware of every detail, from the most basic elements to the genset’s maintenance works, both in the preventive and corrective sense. And if any fault should occur, we’re always there, implementing remote maintenance systems through which we know the status of the genset in real time and are made aware of any problems that could arise, carrying out the necessary preventive actions before a mains failure could occur and the genset is no longer working. We look for excellence for our customers, we know they make large investments in machinery that costs a lot of money, so we must guarantee their correct operation.

Source: Interempresas Media – Energía de hoy Magazine