We take part in the extension of Extresol, the solar thermal plant in Badajoz

When it came into operation in 2010, Extresol-1 was the second plant of its kind in the world.
A budget of 300 million euros, 50 MW of installed power and the use of the most advanced technologies. Extresol uses cylindrical-parabolic collectors within a solar radiation concentration system equipped with a sun-tracking mechanism. The task of these plants is to direct solar radiation from the reflecting surfaces onto the receiver tube and concentrate it about eighty times.
A generator for a solar thermal plant
Built on 2,25 square kilometres of land in Badajoz, Southwest Spain, Extresol currently supplies electricity equivalent to the consumption of more than 30,000 homes and avoids the emission of 149,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. Genesal Energy takes part in the expansion works of this infrastructure doing what we do best: reinforcing the security system with a solid emergency network to avoid issues and shutdowns in the event of failure in the network.
Customer’s need
Our client needed to guarantee the emergency supply in the event of a failure in either of the two existing transformers and it had to be done independently. Genesal Energy installed a 935/1010 KVA open genset placed inside one of the plant buildings, with double switching mounted on the genset itself due to the existing space limitations, and also double mains detection, operating the equipment independently for each of the transformers.
Technical Data
- 1000 litre specially designed fuel tank on the bedplate.
- Switchboard integrated in the bedplate, equipped with two 1600A 4P 230V motorised ATS.
- ATS Mains detection system.
Execution: Open on customised baseplate
Prime power: 935 kVA
Standby power: 1010 kVA
Voltage: 400/230 V
Frequency: 50 Hz
RPM: 1500 RPM
Engine: Baudouin 12M26G1100 5
Alternator: Stamford HCI634 J